Monday, August 21, 2023

Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 8 22 2023

 Just some random photography. Some current, some past photos.

Taken while I was sitting outback by the farmer's corn field while we burnt some things. It was so hot, but good day to burn because no wind. Anyway, I was trying to get close to the corn and some shade while I watched and tended the fire to make sure it didn't go crazy. The sky was so pretty so thought why not take a snap.

Just some deer crossing by my house and probably heading back to the farmer's corn field. 

Razzy the Morkie Boy. He turned 12 this July. He definitely needs a groom, but they must be so busy as they haven't called me back for an appointment. 

If you saw last week's post, the sale is back on so I'm on the hunt for a place to move to.

But some happy news, the California babies are coming this week. Will enjoy seeing them, and my youngest grandbabykins. She's not so little anymore as she will turn 12 next month.

Have a very happy week. 

~hugs 'n scribbles~



  1. Great shots and love the pup. What a cutie pie. So precious.

    Have fun with your family.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Razzy. ♥

  2. Love the green lawn and the large leaves. The deer is cute and the dog is pretty.

  3. I love the pictures from the cornfields!
    The green leaves and the blue sky look great together.

    Have a lovely time with family.
    And thank you for hosting, Peabea. :)

  4. Watching the news about the devastating fire in Maui reminds me of my visits to Hawaii, although I never made it to Maui. Now I wish I had, it may never be the same. I used some of my photos in this blog post.

  5. Blessings to you and the family dear. Aloha!


  6. I really like the pictures from the cornfields! The dog looks cute. Good luck with house hunt!

  7. Beautiful shots of the cornfields, Peabea.

    Hugs and blessings

  8. Peabea, I don't think I've ever seen more beautiful corn photos! Ohh and that sky! Thank you for hosting. My pie and very special (unusual method) crust is at #13.

  9. Such beautiful photos. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  10. First time visiting and participating. Love the cornfield pictures. Are you getting a good harvest this year?

  11. That first corn shot is really great!


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)