Lily Bit, 1962, and the Long Stretch

Lily Bit was taking
it so easy in the 
sun of the window. 

So sweet. Made me feel
good to be curled up on the 
couch and looking over to
see her.

HAHA.....a friend tagged me 
in a post on FB with this
I love it.

So glad they don't burn
witches these days.

asked did I get the meds
to make the COVID 
crap easier, yes. 
The day I tested positive I
called my doc.
At first I did not think it 
was working but I feel
a lot better right now.

Sunday morning, feeling
like the COVID has run
its course. I so hope so anyway.

The stone and the pain with 
it is a

Either I sit around to 
avoid the pain or
I take pain meds or 
gummies and then I 
don't feel like moving
to do anything!

But, when I am laying 
around, I have company
that drops in to visit........
and get head rubs!


I love when she stretches
out over my legs and 
closes her eyes, purrs and
makes me feel loved.

Lily could not look
anymore comfy if 
she tried!

She wanted to know if
this stretch made here
legs look 

At least I know that 
Lily trust
her mom!



Sandee said…
Love the sweatshirt. I'm glad they don't burn witches anymore too.

Lily Bit is a cutie pie. Great shots.

I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
BeachGypsy said…
So glad you're feeling better! Did they get your kidney stone surgery scheduled?? I sure hope so. Those kitties are so pretty!!
Mari said…
She is so cute, and a good snuggle buddy! Glad you're feeling better.
Ann said…
That's the cutest company ever.
pilch92 said…
Lily is a pretty kitty. Hope you feel better soon.
Lily Bit is such a cutie and I hope you're feeling less stoned soon.
Liz A. said…
Sometimes it's nice to just lay around and rest. Glad you have company.
That is one trusting cat! As for witches, I am pro witch as long as they are the good witch kind. None of those that turn people into frogs. Well, unless they deserve it!
Marie Smith said…
Glad you are through Covid. Our friend has it here. Darn stuff. We are getting a booster shot next month.
Catch My Words said…
COVID sucks. I had Paxlovid the first time, which seemed to make things worse. The last time I didn't take it and was in bed for ten days.
Darla M Sands said…
You are definitely loved. :D It took me a second to get the gist of that shirt as, for some reason, I read it as 1962 despite not being dyslexic. lol Take care, my dear.
Darla M Sands said…
I just realized that your post's title says 1962 instead of 1692. ;P Now I don't feel so silly over my confusion. lol Best wishes!!

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