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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Music Monday: 3 Doors Down Concert

My husband and I saw 3 Doors Down, Friday night. We arrived at the concert early and sat in our nose bleed seats. After my husband mentioned an extra $20 a ticket just to move up one section, an employee of the venue approached us and wanted to swap out our tickets for closer ones.
We agreed and found ourselves to be a few inches from the stage! Although the warmup band, Candlebox, had a large following, my husband and I were not fans. They seemed to do a lot more screaming than actual singing.
I filmed my favorite songs, but Blogger won't let me upload "When I'm Gone." I guess I enjoyed it and filmed too long. I didn't like Candlebox, but their short clip wouldn't post, either. They aren't worth searching and posting from Youtube.
It looked like "Let Me Go" uploaded, but you can see from above what my video looks like. 😢
I filmed too much of "It's Not My Time," so posted the official video. I videoed too little of "Be Like That" ;however, I found an interesting camera distortion. On stage, the guitarist by the lead singer is nowhere near him; however, on the screen, it looks like he's right next to him. Weird! Here is the official video.
Of course the band saved their biggest hit for last, so of course I recorded way to much of it to post. None-the-less, the band's official "Kryptonite" video is a lot of fun. Also, we got a little further away at the end. My husband's ears were hurting from sitting close. My left ear hurt because we had childish whistlers behind us. They whistled into my ear four times even though I'd told them to stop. It was not just annoying. I was painful!
This is a blog hop, so join in with your music videos!


Alana said...

I wasn't able to play any of your videos through your blog - it's too bad. I like a number of Three Doors Down. I also remember at least one Candlebox song I liked - 10,000 Horses. There may be others that I would recognize if I heard them. Thank you for the video concert.

Birgit said...

I only know the last song. They aren't bad although I wouldn't go and see them but I've seen 4 bands in my life:)).as for the whistlers, they were downright rude! Knowing my hubby, he would have told them off in no uncertain words what would happen if they didn't stop. He would be polite at first but not after. Aside from. Those numbnuts, it sounds like you had a good time overall.

roentare said...

This is an impressive collection

XmasDolly said...

Oooooo Girlfriend, you have rocked the house today that's for sure! I'm sorry, but I never heard of these guys. I'm not that up to date anymore being as I don't drive much. I use to blare the radio back when going to work & comin home. I do like these guys though. Thanks for sharing! Hope you had a good time seeing them!!! Thanks for stopping by!

willowdot21 said...

A life concert is always the best way to see a group. It looks like you both had a great evening 💜💜

Cathy Kennedy said...

It looks like you had good weather for the concert. I know 3 Doors Down by name but couldn't tell you what songs is theirs. I do know a few of the ones you shared like "Kryptonite". I enjoyed sampling more of the bands' music in your line up this morning. I quite enjoyed listening to your picks. I think my favorite is "It's Not My Time". Thanks for joining the party, my dear. Have a boogietastic week! xo

Binky said...

I don't know who 3 doors down are. I don't even know who's one door down.

csuhpat1 said...

Very nice. A live concert is always the best.

songbird's crazy world said...

Glad you enjoyed the concert

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Very nice mewsic of a for us unknown band. Thanks for introducing it😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

mail4rosey said...

My grown kids loved Kryptonite when it first came out. They probably still do. :) Excellent that you got to upgrade seats.