Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Smiles - Unbleached Flour

 Well I bought some unbleached flour to try.  It does not use the chemicals that bleached flour uses to soften and whiten the flour.  Why it takes me so many years to discover this I don't know.  It seems to be about the same price as bleached flour at my grocery store.

Linking to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.


  1. I never saw anything like that here. But then I´m no baker...
    What I miss is self-raising flour here...

  2. Sounds a good idea without a bleach in flour.

  3. I have some too. We also have bread flour I need to use up. We just don't use flour like we used too. Thanks for the info on the unbleached flour.

  4. Now I want to try this. See if it is some of the chemicals that have been bothering me. Good to know.

  5. I didn't know there was bleached and unbleached flour. I am conscious of cake flour and all purpose flour. I buy all purpose.
    Well thanks for the link and i do have to read up some more about this.
    Happy Sunday. Thank you for linking to Sunday😊Smiles today.


  6. I buy both flours for different baking uses. The chloride found in bleached flour, that results from a chemical reaction once the chlorine is added, for instance, can also be found in bottled water (and is then, interestingly enough, labeled “electrolyte” or “mineral” water, never “bleached”). The Chloride is used in a lot of our foods. So now what are you going to bake?

  7. We make our own bread, so I'm very familiar with unbleached flour, Christine. It's the best!

  8. I don't think we get bleach and unbleached in our country. I've never come across it anyway.

  9. I usually get unbleached floor.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  10. We use wheat flour.. makes the texture of baked goods a little dense but if you aren't really fussy then you can barely tell.

  11. i usually make experiment with some brand of flour to make cake or cookies

  12. En mi pais usamos harina de trigo y harina de maiz Entre otras harinas. Te mando un beso.

  13. If it's not as soft, I wonder how it bakes. But I'm with you on loving the fact that it is not bleached with chemicals. Sorry I'm late, but I was gone all day yesterday.

  14. Good you found healthier option

  15. ... so many different flours.

    All the best Jan

  16. That sounds like a great idea!
    Julia x

  17. I've used both kinds and don't recall if there was any difference in the outcome.
