1. Rudy is a Cutie! I like that effect you used for the puzzle photo but can’t think of the name of it – there are so many wonderful ones at Lunapic.

    Hugs, Pam

  2. Dreamy, ethereal art … well done. Have to add, poor Rudy, give him extra cuddles now for sharing his embarrassing photos!

  3. Thank you for the smiles this morning. That comment from you about Rudy really got me smiling.

  4. Rudy cracks me up this morning! Don’t know why but he does. I think he was more into playing with the accessories. Enjoyed another look at handsome Millie. I really like the Millie effect!

  5. Mee-yow Aunty Ellen yore art foto of Millie iss beeuteefull; such cleen liness!
    An Rudy yore foto failss are two cute fore werdss….yore ADOORBSS!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum


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