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The things kids do...

Especially boys.
It's only the grace of God that protected this little guy from tipping the cat tree into and through the plate glass window!


  1. That little guy narrowly avoided disaster 😳

  2. Be careful little guy. Look after him Sue. And thanks for the link today.

  3. Wow - talk about stability - I need that kind of cat post for Magellan!

  4. Isn't that the truth. Boys and some girls just love to climb. He's so cute.

  5. I cared for my grandchildren when they were babies into toddler age and it was wonderful but also a full time job! T

  6. I was a climber as a child, looks like he fits on it too, wonder how the cat felt about it

  7. That is definitely a boyish thing to do

  8. Oh my! Children love exploring and are so inquisitive.

  9. Kids do the darndest things!

    Hugs and blessings, Sue

  10. That is a scary scene. One of our granddaughters climbed up the shelves of a heavy bookcase and luckily was intercepted as it could have crashed down on her.

  11. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What a cute image! The kids are amazing. They do not know what the fear means!
    Have a fine Wednesday!

  13. Some boys are fearless and can't see danger at all. He's cute though.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  14. My boys were like that! Thankfully, their antics have simmered down as they have grown into adults.

  15. Holy smokes. That's one fearless little dude. And one sturdy cat tree!

  16. That's a funny picture ! I think my cat wouldn't be very happy !

  17. One of my cousins, now in her 30's, was a climber. I could easily have seen her on this cat tree. Cute but dangerous. Alana

  18. That is so very cute. Love it.

  19. Kids don't understand the dangers they put themselves in sometimes. I'm glad the cat tree house didn't flip over. :) Thanks for stopping by to boogie with me on Monday's Music Moves Me. Have a tunetastic week!

  20. Most kids and especially boys are daredevil darlings. Glad he was safe!


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