Sunday, July 9, 2023

After The Holiday Sunday Selfies

Well, all the excitement from July Fourth and the local festivals are over till next year...Phew!!

Butt then later in the week, there was a dude who pawppy invited into our den...intruder!! We barked and grr'd him...and we sniffed his trail after he make sure we knew who he was, if he dares to return...pawppy said he would and he'll being more intruders along...we need a new generator to replace our old one which is not working too well, its very old... 

Petcretary pulled a tick off of Dalton on Saturday...YUCK! They must be really hungry as both he and Benji get flea and tick well as heartworm prevention. Not too hard to find them on short haired Dalton, but going over Benji is challenging with his thick furs, esp around his neck.

Speaking of ticks, The cellulitis petcretary had from that tick bite is almost completely cleared up...and the welts and bumps she had are finally going away too. They were itchy almost a whole that issue is abated, the skin can heal. She puts a combo of Olive oil, Neem oil and Tea Tree oil on them...seems to have helped get rid of the inflammation and for sure abates the itch. They were rather too extensive to put the eucalyptus oil on them all...

Anypaws, here are some selfies from our July Fourth dogabration:

This past Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Class, Petcretary scored again!! She was a first commenter and also the 'student' with the first right answer. It was a patriotic picture, seeing as it was a class on Independence Day...No holiday reprieve...BOL!  She got these Reward Badges:

This was the mystery image to search out....its the Graff House in Philadelphia, PA. The Declaration of Independence was written there. Petcretary knew the right answer because she had visited there, and had seen it with her 'own eyes', LOL!

We had to say yet another sad goodbye to a beloved kitty, Bujang from Cat Tales.


Thank You, Kitties Blue, for hosting The Sunday Selfies!!


  1. both of you look so NOT so happy taking the seflies I love each photo, I had a good luage looking at your header shot with one ear up, Dalton... you both look so cute in your scares.. glad the tick bites are better. thank for the info on oils. sorry about the repairs needed on the generation

  2. Red, white, and blue look good on you both!
    We left a sorrowful comment for Angel Bujang.

  3. We love your pawtriotic selfies! But reading about those tick bites made Mummy itchy at the very thought (mol)!

  4. Those are great selfies of you two. Tick bites are no fun. We're lucky neither of us has had one, including our parents.

  5. Well, don't you all look goreous! Very festive indeed!

  6. You two are the most "pup-riotic pups" we know, and do it so well. (Note to your hu-mom: so glad the tick issue is getting under control. Can be super bad. Do you know Sue? Mackey/Sydney/Boston? Her tick bite landed her in a coma, intensive care and more, still recovering, has been terrible. They are so dangerous ...)

  7. So glad to hear petcretary is on the mend. Also thanks for tip on using the oils to heal.
    Benji & Dalton, you are such good pups to pose with neckerchiefs in the heat!
    Hope your generator is fixed soon and the intruders do not come back too often. We are growling with you.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  8. It's been very quiet this weekend after the all the noise from fireworks, and thunder storms too. Oh, except for the noisy lawn mowers!

    We're sorry to hear about your problems with ticks. They're supposed to bad around here too. Rosie and Baby get flea&tick medicine once a month in addition to heartgard. They have very thick coats and it's hard to check for ticks. But so far, so good.

    You pups look so cute in your holiday wear. I hope you got some extra yum yum treats!

  9. You look fabulous, and so festive in your patriotic outfits ! Great selfies ! Purrs

  10. I am glad Mum is feeling better, itchy is no fun.

  11. You both look great and so patriotic. I am glad petcretary is doing better. Congrats to her for winning 2 badges. We have been needing a new generator for years. I get nervous every time it storms. XO

  12. I love your selfies, you look terrific! Getting a new generator sounds like a good idea, I hope ours doesn't give out anytime soon. Hooray for those tick removal successes!!!

  13. Lulu: "Ugh, the ticks have been insane here this year, even with our flea and tick treatments! Mama has pulled so many off of us dogs, it's not even funny!"
    Chaplin: "Well, it's a little bit funny, at least from the perspective of a cat ..."

  14. Both of you look festive...just terrific. XX

  15. Wagnificent selfies, guys. But man oh man, I got the shivers just thinking about ticks. With the crazy weather, me and Mom think there are gonna be more creepy crawly things just looking for fresh victims. Yuck! Stay safe. Mom really liked the combo of essential oils your Precretary used to get over her bug bite. Well done-my Mom said that was pretty creative and clever.
    Your friend,
    Elsa 🐾

  16. Hi Dalton and Benji,
    We're wondering what you REALLY thought about wearing all that patriotic neckwear...
    But are pleased that Petcretary's itchies are easing.

  17. I came back and re-read. So much news here today, which is good. I am very glad the Petcretary's awful itches are calming. That is an awful thing to have happen...itchies/.
