OH WOW…Now I’m going to have to watch my pelt to see if I turn salt and pepper, although at my age, 14, I wouldn’t be surprised, haha. I do have a bit of grey already…sigh…but I’m thriving on my B12 and still have a sweet life, insulin reduced, lots of snuggles. What more can a kitty want! LOVE Jester’s change…very unique!
What a beautiful kitty! This reminds me of the lykoi breed of cats. They were developed from kittens found in TN and VA. I’ve seen small patches of fur that looked similar on a few passerby ferals and on my Lynx kitty when he was younger. He turned more uniformly dark with maturity though.
Mee-yow Jester iss purrty amazin……
Due you think hee mite have Siamese inn him???? BellaSita Mum thinkss purrhapss?
Yore Jester iss two cute fore werdss…..
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum
Brian Frum
My goodness Jester, you’re such a handsome little dude and we love your salt and pepper furs! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Ellen J Pilch
I have not seen that either. He is still adorable. XO
Melissa & Mudpie
Oh my! How unusual!
I’ve only seen a couple of salt and pepper tuxies come through the shelter. They are unique!
Katie Isabella
Jester…how in the world did THAT happen? Seriously.
The Island Cats
What unusual coloring! It makes Jester even more cuter!
OH WOW…Now I’m going to have to watch my pelt to see if I turn salt and pepper, although at my age, 14, I wouldn’t be surprised, haha. I do have a bit of grey already…sigh…but I’m thriving on my B12 and still have a sweet life, insulin reduced, lots of snuggles. What more can a kitty want! LOVE Jester’s change…very unique!
Yes he is!
What a beautiful kitty! This reminds me of the lykoi breed of cats. They were developed from kittens found in TN and VA. I’ve seen small patches of fur that looked similar on a few passerby ferals and on my Lynx kitty when he was younger. He turned more uniformly dark with maturity though.
A ShutterBug Explores
Jester ~ you are a unique and beautiful kitty ~ so adorable and precious ~ Xo
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Three Chatty Cats
How interesting! What a cutie he is.
Cat and Dog Chat With Caren
and an adorable phenomenon at that!
mary mcneil
There is a condition called “vitiligo” which can develop and turn dark-haired cats patchy white – some of them are splotched like a paint horse. It doesn’t seem to harm the cat.
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
Mee-yow Jester iss purrty amazin……
Due you think hee mite have Siamese inn him???? BellaSita Mum thinkss purrhapss?
Yore Jester iss two cute fore werdss…..
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum
Gidget Blue Sky
jester iz totally cute, cute, cute!!!
Wow, Jester! Your furs metamorphosed! Amazing!
Lola The Rescued Cat
Jester’s coloring is absolutely beautiful.
Lux Cat
Salt and pepper, very dignified!