Tuesday, June 20, 2023

This Heat is No Joking Matter!

 Not much to talk about today.  Except the heat.  Triple digits.  And if it's this hot in June, I hate what July and August are going to bring us!

I may be spending Saturday in this ungodly heat!  I'm going to Dallas, where my twin daughter lives, and her twin brother is coming as well as my husband, and it's going to be a great time.  Hot, but great. We are celebrating their birthday.

If you have yet had a chance to check out Crafteverly's Etsy shop, please go take a look when you can.

Have a great week and check out Stacy Uncorked and Comedy Plus!



  1. I have the heater on this morning. It was so cold. I'd be glad to share my cool weather with you.

    I love the funnies. The toast one is my favorite.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  2. "It was toast," i love it. Thanks for the grins and keep cool!

  3. Hope you're staying cooooool!! Seems the heat is being annoying all over lately - we're even getting some (not yet triple digits, but it's coming) here in the Pacific Northwest. Loved all your funnies! I'm still cackling over the toast one... ;)


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