Thursday, June 8, 2023

Friday Face OFF Skull days

Welcome to Friday Face OFF, (FFO) the place where you can show any type of face in any medium. Link back to this blog, Mr. Linky and then leave comments. It's that easy.
For me this week it is all about skulls. Yeah, I know I am disturbed. LOL But in a good way, right?
The first one I am showing today is by far my favorite and I will be keeping it for myself. 
His name is Charred Charlie. 

When I get more skulls I will do a tutorial on how to make this.

 I love the effect of this.

 I had a lot of fun making this.

 I have to show you the back. 

These are done and half done projects.
 I was able to finish another shrunken head for my show.
 I love his skin.

 This is a very small skull. I will be making around 20 of these to go onto an art project.

 This is the first coat of paint.

 I love his smile

 and of course his skin.

 This is the skull that I created with grout. This is the first coat of paint.

 I'm running out of skulls so I made a paper mache and air dry clay for teeth. I am hoping to finish these over the next week.

Here is some AI skull art. I love creating with AI, but I don't like that I get cut off images. However, aren't these beautiful?





Well, that's it for skull Friday Face OFF.
The featured guest this week is...
Something pretty and soothing to leave you with.
I will also be linking up with Gillena
Now it's your turn to show me your face.
Have a great weekend.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those are some pretty gruesome customers!

Iris Flavia said...

Poor Charlie! Reminds me of Frederick Charles Krueger... huhhh ;-)
The smiley-guy I like better, hence (really that Freddy gave me the creeps, sorry, Charly!)
My "skull" is hairy today (OK, not really a skull).
Have a skully day! :-)

Christine said...

Good work Ncole

Valerie-Jael said...

More ghastly fun today, pretty horrible as always! Have a wonderful Friday, hugs, Valerie

roentare said...

These two skulls are fitting for Batman villains.

NatureFootstep said...

to be honest, I am glad I don´t have to meet them downtown. :)

I do like the colors of the AI-ones.
Wish you a great week.

kwarkito said...

Once again you give us a nice publication. You art is impressive.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There are many things in life I would still like to do, but making skulls is not one of them! Call me shallow, but that’s the way it is!

Tom said...

...skulls just aren't my things. Thanks Nicole for hosting the party.

ashok said...

Ooh scary !

Gene Black said...

Charred Charlie is interesting. I look forward to seeig how you made him.

Rita said...

I admit--I do prefer the pretty and soothing--lol! :)

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole,
your Charred Charlie looks like an interesting personality 😉 Where does your interest in skulls and shrunken heads come from?
Today you get some monkeyheads from me - the squirrel monkey is in German called Totenkopfäffchen - the thanslation is: skull monkey!
All the best and have a nice June 🌻🐝🦋!

Fundy Blue said...

Charred Charlie is downright scary, but beautifully crafted, Nicole! Your A1 skulls are really good. My favorite skulls are from Herculaneum, even if they are distressing to look at. Thanks for the kitty! Please take care!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Gruesome work. Well done.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for linling your Friday Faces. Happy Friday. Thanks for linking to AFFF.
On Sundays there is another linky at my blog Sunday Smiles

Much💚love said...

Some interesting textures you have there.

Mae Travels said...

Your imagination is really captivating when you create these very strange and supernatural heads. I hope your fatigue soon eases up so that you feel more like producing the work for your sale.
best, mae at

peppylady (Dora) said...

Gruesome can be fun.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

My name is Erika. said...

I like your skulls Nicole, especially charred Charlie. Sorry I missed Friday Face Off for another week but I'll be back next Friday. hope al is well with you. hugs-Erika

Dawn Hart said...

Charred Charlie looks amazing and reminds me so much of Freddie Kruger, you have such a rare talent to bring your skulls to life xxx

carol l mckenna said...

Charred Charlie is a special creation ~ Others are creative works too ~

Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Charred Charlie is a marvel and he looks like the tissue is still burning ... excuse me but, Ugh:( Have you ever smelled burned tissue? He certainly looks the part and I can't say that I blame you for liking him so much. I have to say the same for your shrunken heads ... they really look like the real thing. I can remember reading about them in the National Geographic when I was muuuuch younger. I know it is an art piece, but it makes me wonder how people can do this to people in real life ... hmmmm! And finally, your small skull ... what a smile. He acturally looks happy. Maybe it is the slight squint of the eyes that does that, but in any rate ... Awesome!!! The AI skulls are not looking so happy ... in fact they look pretty scary. I will be trying your right click on my one little piece of AI to see if I can get it to post. Fingers crossed :) Another great post, Nicole ... I admire your talent and your ambition :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Gillena Cox said...

Hi Nicole
You must have a smile beamibg somewhere
Remember to link to
Sunday Smiles


Jeanie said...

I like your skulls! They have character!

Lowcarb team member said...

Your skulls do look good, I especially like Charred Charlie.

Thinking of you and sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Gillena Cox said...

Sunday Smiles linky is HERE
Have a Happy Sunday