Beachy Random and More


Are you a beach person?  It's certainly that time of year here and in many other parts of the U.S. with temps already in the 90's.  That's normal, though, here in the Texas Gulf Coast region, and school has already been out for over ten days.  Summer is in full swing!

So, are you one of those people that prefers the beach to the pool?  Prefers sun instead of shade?  Loves the feel of wet sand between your toes?  Enjoys the ocean breeze ruffling your hair?  Then you might like the design I created last weekend...

click to see larger

I decided to put it on a t-shirt (11 colors available), a white soft-style tank top, and a tote bag.  Take a look if you'd like.  If you have a friend who loves the beach, any of these would make a great gift!

Speaking of the beach, we are about 30 miles from Galveston.  Granted, it's not the prettiest beach I've ever seen (Hello?  It's Texas, not Hawaii!).  But it's a beach nonetheless.  We try to avoid it on holidays and during festivals because it just gets too crowded or a group of people will start trouble, so, we tend to go when other people are elsewhere.  We can sit under an umbrella, listen to the waves, feel the cool breeze coming in off the water (despite the heat),  wade in the water, have a cookout on the beach, or all three!

Not our actual burgers. Ours were better!  But it does look like Galveston!

One of my fondest memories is when our whole blended family went to the beach, including the dog -who has since passed :-(  We had a great time, and my husband made "juicy lucy" burgers for everyone.  But enough nostalgia for now.  How about something funny?  These are "shore" to make you laugh!

Okay!  I hear you groaning.  I'll stop!  Don't forget to visit Random Tuesday Thoughts and Happy Tuesday.

Have a great week!



  1. Great groaners, thanks for the smiles.

  2. Loved the groaners! :D And love your beach design! I like to divvy up my time between the beach and the mountains - the benefit of living in Washington State, it's only an hour or less to the mountains, and about 90 minutes to the beach. Of course like the beach you described in Texas, I avoid ours like a plague when it's holidays or festivals. I'm not into trying to fight for sand space amongst a big crowd of people. :)
