Hands to Help 2023

Today is the final check in for Hands 2 Help.  Head over to Sarah’s and see all the great quilts that have been made and donated this year.  I have four quilts that I had intended to send to Quilty Hugs.

I pulled these three quilts from my stash.


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I made this quilt based on a pattern I put together for the girls quilts which you can read about here, Gatlinburg Quilt Exchange

This one is a bit smaller and I used an older layer cake.


Now for the unfortunate news.  I had planned on sending these quilts off to Quilty Hugs, but when I went to the post office and found that shipping would be over $50 I knew I needed another plan.

The Mt. Pleasant Modern Quilt Guild (which I didn’t know existed) partners with a dozen local charities for quilts.  From Neo-Natal to kids coming out of foster to hospice.  On my next trip to my doctor, I’ll drop these quilts off for local distribution.


I’m linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

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  1. May 29, 2023 / 8:56 pm

    Shipping costs have become shockingly high. I’m glad you found a local guild that can distribute them local to you, and I hope that your treatments are going well.

  2. Kathleen McCormick
    May 30, 2023 / 10:19 am

    Shipping costs are just outrageous….kind of like everything else. They are going to a good home and so glad you found an alternate – mine will go to my guild too, its just easier that way.