Sunday, May 28, 2023

Gillena's Sunday Smiles and Lemon rosemary potatoes

For Gillena's Sunday Smiles I am sharing my daughter's orchid plant. We are babysitting it while she is away on vacation, that is the smile. Some kids leave their pets with their parents but I am fine with a plant!  It apparently needs 10 spritzes of water from a sprayer once a week, I can do that.

 I found a recipe for Lemon Rosemary Potatoes and I simplified it for my own use.  It is delicious!

3-5 medium potatoes quartered, washed with skin on

2 tbs melted butter

2 tbs olive oil

1 tbs dried rosemary

3/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

3/4 c broth

1/4 c lemon juice

2 cloves garlic minced

pre heat oven 400F

In a 9 inch metal baking pan lined with parchment paper mix potatoes, butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary.  Arrange potatoes skin side up.  Bake 30 mins.  Add broth and lemon juice.  Bake 10 mins longer.


  1. Such a great idea... Thank you.
    I just put rhubarb tarts in the oven... a round shape, there's room for some fresh new potatoes... here we go... thank you.
    Best regards, Viola

  2. Oh, good luck with the plant!

    Awesome potatoes! Recently, I was watching on YouTube one of my favorite Japanese actors making a potato recipe. And it starts out with boiled potatoes too. But then he smashes them one by one on the counter with a back of a heavy duty knife and puts them in potato starch before he fries them in a little oil with garlic and other seasoning.

    I have never used potato starch before. Have you?

    1. I have used it awhile ago, forgot what I did with the rest of the package. Then I started seeing more recipes with it.

  3. I liked the idea of watering plants like that.

    Such lovely potatoes too. All the best to a wonderful Sunday💗

  4. All the best with the plant!

    The potatoes look delightful! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. I luv potatoes. I will try this one.
    Happy Sunday. Thanks for linking to SSs


  6. I love ROSEMARY....with or without lemon

  7. Lovely orchid. Now I'm crying because all I have is dried rosemary, not fresh and beautiful. Your recipe sounds like my kind of meal.

  8. Yummy, they sound sooooo good. Hugs, Valerie

  9. What a gorgeous orchid, Christine. I know you'll take good care of it.

  10. I like season of rosemerry.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  11. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  12. I'm sure these Lemon Rosemary Potatoes are delicious.

    All the best Jan

  13. I don't like when I have to move my orchids during the holidays because they are so finicky and comfortable where they are. Good luck with that trusted job.
