1. They are. They would have called their attorney if they didn’t get the dayoff.XO

  1. Day off? Day off? Who do they think they are anyway? CATS?
    LOVE the potato head clan…once again I think, “Those little girls are SOOOO lucky to have their aunty”….

  2. How I remember playing with Mr Potato Head When I was a kid. Of course my mother would only give me the oldest and the least likely potato to eat to play with.

  3. Hello Potato Family!
    P.S. I keep meaning to tell you that I love the little cat that walks accross the top of the screen 😻

  4. I love coming here because there’s always something unusual going on! You all certainly have imagination, and a mighty big collection of toys. Toys may not make noise, but they certainly have poise.

  5. Hahahahah! Nice to see the Potato Heads in their castle! It’s a win-win… Meowing Crew gets the day off and we get to see the Potato Head Family. Hope everyBODY is having a nice Sunday!


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