Friday, May 19, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week there are four one photo posts plus bonus photo in one of them. They all come from September 2009.

Wordless Wednesday with Flynn.

Mancat Monday.

Two mancats take a rest.

Two Tails on Tuesday.

When we come back from our walks, the first thing we do is eat. Notice the water bowl. We don't know why mum puts it by our biscuits, we have never ever drunk from it. We prefer to drink from the tap, or better still, rain water. Mum has put that bowl there ever since we were kittens-nine years it's been there being refilled every day!

Tuesday Bonus Pic! One Tongue on Tuesday.
Mum didn't realise until she put the photos on the computer just how long my tongue is! She said to me 'However do you get all that tongue back in your mouth Flynnie?'

A Tuesday Tail with Eric.

You can see that when I walk towards mum, I keep my tail high. You can just see Flynn behind me with his curly tail.
I have a confession. When mum went to take this shot, we were both lying together nomming the grass. It's no secret that I hate the flashy box and If I see it, I either turn my back or walk away. I have just found though that if I walk towards mum, I am usually too close for her to get a shot. Drat! She beat me to it this time. Most of the photos she gets of me she has to use the zoom and hopes I don't notice what she is up too. With Flynn, he just sits there and smiles for the camera. Hmphh! Little poser!

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Sunshine at 50%, then added Landscape at 30%.

For Flynn I started with Frost at 50%, then Rusty at 35%.

I have been playing around with AI Art and mostly created monsters which I deleted. This is one I was reasonably happy with.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 20.05.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 20.05.23
preview110pieceC26cEths3jGcrUHtnO8Z--1--qh05b 4x I am also joining Messy Mimi for the blog hop.


  1. What fun pictures, especially the first one. He looks so expectant.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  2. Those were all fun ones but I love that first one, Flynn was such a Rock Star!

  3. Sorry, Angel fellas, but you two look like basketballs while on your after-walk snack!

  4. Well...I think they were the best 'poser'
    pussy~cats ever...(and l should know)...

  5. I love seeing Eric with his tail straight in the air. And what's this with cats, everyone I've ever had is different about drinking water. I've never had one that won't drink enough, but everyone has wanted it served a different way.

  6. I love "happy tails" too! My favourite pic is the second, though, both boys taking a rest. As always, the artwork is great and so is that AI Art, it's terrific!

  7. Love the post and photos that rock one made me chuckle heheh!

    Have a rocktasticc weekend 👍

  8. Flynn the first photo is 100000% purrfect pose to show your handsome Profile.
    I always enjoyed seeing you and Eric from the back...that is about the only time I might have been able to tell who was E and F
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Eric, I walk r=towards mum too. You just never know when she may have a stray treat in her hand ;) MOL!
    I am still loving the rings on your tails :)

    Purrs, Julie

  10. I read that cats at least the big ones do not like drinking next to their food. Our water bowls are away from the food bowls. These are great selection today as I don't know which I like best.

  11. All of these photos are so beautiful!

  12. Boys, you make me happy seeing you. You always and ever do! You know, your mom does that JUST in case you need a drink and she's asleep or gone.

  13. I find the flashy box has become less flashy now that it is a flashy phone.

  14. Oh boy! This was a fun flashback!
    Such a great abundance of tasty grass!!!

    Purrs, Julie

  15. That is funny they wouldn't drink from the water bowl. Great photos. Thank you for 3 puzzles- you are spoiling us. XO

  16. The water-bowl made me laugh. I have done the same thing. It's there just in case; the one time it wouldn't be put there, they would have wanted it. And Flynn's tongue! He could have caught flies better than a frog, I'll bet. Eric's tactic for spoiling a camera shot was a good one - though it didn't always work, fortunately!

  17. Pipo was a lot like Eric, he hated the real camera, and even the iPad or the iPhone cameras...he knew, LOL!

    Lovely remembrances! And the AI image looks like kitty is inside an aquarium; I do like the bright colours:)

  18. Dad says he loves that artified photo of Angel Eric walking towards you, Jackie. He says it's beautiful country art.

  19. We're always "so late" getting across the pond to visit (sorry) ... but what a lovely collection of photos here today, every one just so special of our favorite Angel Boys!
    (BTW, we are failures with AI art, already given up on it and back to our old favorites)

    Have a good weekend, hugs and purrs.

  20. We continue to be so grateful to you for sharing these memories of Angels Eric and Flynn. They are forever in our hearts, and their adventures still make us smile. We love the "two mancats resting" photo, and your AI art turned out great!

  21. I love that picture with the two tails crossed. It just speaks to Eric and Flynn's bond which I daresay is eternal.

    As always the pictures are beautiful. You can't beat cats being cats in nature. The paintings are also veritable still life versions of your boys.

    You were right about Mollie and Alfie, by the way. I'll have to ask you first when I don't recognize somebody. Thanks.

  22. Dudes, mew are looking epically epic, and the arty AI pic is truly furbulous!

  23. Oh, we love that Tuesday with two tails shot - gorgeous tails. And for the artwork, that last one is amazing - love it

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  24. Such heartwarming brothers. I look forward to coming here every week. Mom's catwork is stunning. I hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  25. ALL of these pictures are so beautiful. We weren't even born when these photos were shot!

  26. I refuse to cooperate when the flashy box comes out too. And sometimes it doesn't even flash. So upsetting when Momma catches me in a private moment. I love all off yoor pikchures, but that AI Art is super gorgeous. Now Momma wants to play with AI Art. Love, Dori

  27. Wow, I don’t remember seeing how long Flynnie’s tongue was! And rainwater is the best at least that’s what Odin tells me.

  28. I can't get enough of the white stripes down the boys' backs!

  29. Great photos. Love the tongue grooming photo!


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