Friday, May 12, 2023

Sights to be seen from the bike

 "Lynn, are you going to bring any of these babies home?"

I don't think I can get a calf on the bike, Precious.

They are nowhere as small as you, and I don't think I could get
you on a bike either.
I just love seeing the pastures of cows with their calves every
Spring. And watching the little ones grow all summer long.

And I always enjoy seeing and saving a snake from
death by bike.  This skinny fellow is a milk snake,
probably born last year from it's length.

There are two donkeys in the above photo. This farm used to have
a white one for years.  I have not seen it the past 2 summers.
Maybe these two brown ones are the new grazers.

"Lynn, maybe you could hitch us a ride on the burros.
I think that might be fun fur a bit."

"Well, do you think you could do some Precious
looking now you are home?  And what about a 
bite to eat, I'm starved after your long ride.
All these strange animals better not show up
at my place setting. I'm too hungry to share now."

And the amazing Eastern Blue Birds have now
built a new nest in the front yard box while feeding
the first 5.  Can't wait to see how these go.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciate.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That looks like wonderful fauna all around you, Precious!

The Chans

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Tell Mum Precious they are lovely photos..
Love the one of the snake, l love snakes..especially
BIG ones...!
Though l can only see one the other one
hiding behind a tree...! :O).

I shall see a lot of cows and sheep this morning,
going down on the bus to a nearby bigger town,
and will sit upstairs, with lovely views of the fields
etc...Suns out, and it's a lovely day...! :).
I'm after a new is so old, just lost the
internet on it...think the last owner was Noah..! :).
✨💛✨💛✨💛✨💛✨💛 ✨💛✨💛✨💛

jabblog said...

I love donkeys. If I had the land I'd keep donkeys and goats.

Lynn and Precious said...

Good luck and have a great day up there looking around. And maybe shopping if you're lucky.

The Florida Furkids said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog and helping me celebrate my birthday - Raz

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have a lot of calves around here too. A couple of months ago it was lambs but now they are almost the same size as the sheep. It sounds like those bluebirds are having a very busy time.

pilch92 said...

Nice photos except for the snake- ick. My hubby just said he heard cheeping from our bluebird box. :) Have a nice weekend. Brody sends you his love Precious. XO

Katie Isabella said...

I would too. Love 'em.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh my, have Lynn well in hand. AND I trust you were fed and you got your leg time in

Julie said...

Its sure looking lovely out where you are now Lynn .. so spring looking. Its great you can get out on your bike again. We have lots of autumn calves at the farm as we calve in autumn here - it used to be spring. Yes I think you might struggle to get those ones on the bike Lynn!! Happy Weekend to you both - we have sunshine after a week of SO much rain! xx

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those are all some beautiful sights!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your Mom sure saw some interesting critters. The donkeys are always cool.

catladymac said...

Glad to see someone else saves snakes when they go biking!

messymimi said...

What fun to watch the calves and thank you so much for saving the snake. I am a snake fan, too, and try to save them any time i can. Plus, you get to see burros/donkeys! I do not believe in totem animals, but if i did, mine would be a small burro.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Smudge said...

Hmmm, calf on a bike? Precious on a donkey? What an interesting read for our early morning!

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We don't think We would like to have baby cows in OUR home. But it is sweet to see them with their mothers. Which reminds Us - Happy Mother's Day, Lynn.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you live in such a cool area!! You get to see cows regularly! I would love that! The snake? Not so much lol

John Bellen said...

I wonder how Precious would react meeting a cow - even a calf. Spring is a wondrous time in nature, isn't it?

Adorapurr said...

Precious, yoo live in a very interesting town. I don't have cows by my house. Just big birds and alligators. I think I would prefer cows.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

We adored todays adventure, and the donkey's are really cute!

Spring Sprang Sprung

  "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He sprung up!" "Real live Chippie eating apple." "I wann...