Friday, May 5, 2023

Curio Kitties

 "Lynn tells me stories all the time. I've come to realize she is older

than the Sphinx Cat so is most of her stuff.  Here's all the un-live

kitties she has collected in her 100 thousand years."

"The tiny slinky looking grey one is fur me.
Maybe you can see the similarities."

"The tiny wolfie you see belongs with the
Nativity Scene.  But he lives here the rest 
of the year, under strick cat rules."

"The one with the feather is in honor of Angel Seney.
She loved carrying large turkey and hawk feathers
ev-fur where with her.
The black and white is fur Angel Suzy Q."

I started my curio collection in 1972 and it was
to be cats with ceramic bows and roses only,
but as I found few of those over the years,
I started expanding.  I am not on the hunt for 
more, just if I'm in the right place and one is waiting
for a new home it may find it's way here.

And we have had the good luck to see our Eastern Blue Birds
raise and fledge 5 babies.  They started the nest in the cold of
March and I feed them meal worms.
We offer 2 bird houses and year to year they switch out.
Now they are out in this down turn of weather.
In the 30's at night again, with lots of rain.  About
6 inches in the past 5 days. I am just sick of it.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Ah! Bless! When a my last pussy~cat George went
over the bridge some years ago, l decided, and at
my age, l would'nt have another pussy~cat. Except
for about twelve years, l've had pussy~cats 'ALL'
my life, from the day l was born in fact..! :).
Mia Mama would put me to bed in the Moses basket,
and apparently our pussy~cat would climb in next to
me and sleep with me..! Wish l could remember it...! :).

So since the loss of George, l stared buying china/wooden/
plastic pussy~cat ornaments, just a few l took to and liked,
so there ALL over my home, Oh! And they ALL have names..
l even have nine pussy~cat calendars, so it's quite a
performance at the end of every month...moving on...! :)..
HeHe! And l have eleven clocks about the place...But that's
another story...! :O).
😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

Smudge said...

That's one fantastic feline collectible collection. Dad says he used to do the same with whales (he once worked at an old B&B in the Massachusetts hilltowns named after the mammoth creatures) until mom taught him to let go of a bunch of stuff that cluttered his space and his brain.

Kea said...

You have a lovely cat collection, the kind that won't compete with Precious in any way. :-)

I have several Willow Tree angels now; I've found them after each cat has passed, starting with Annie. Those are the only things I've "collected," though. Well, I collect a lot of dust in this house!

Wishing you both sunny, warm days! (I'm so done with grey, cold and dreary too!)

jabblog said...

Collections have a way of taking over, don't they? It's nice to commemorate pets no longer with us.
I hope your weather soon improves. Ours is changeable, to say the least. but gradually warming up. I think the Coronation weather may be wet!

Katie Isabella said...

I love the cat collection. I don't have very many but I do have some. For a cat slave like me, I'm surprised I don't have more.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely collection of cats. I collect ceramic cats too and probably started in the early 1970s too. I have had to stop unless I see one I really want because I am running out of room. My last two were bronze cast and they live in the window.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I love your cat collection! My house is full of cat stuff :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are adorable curio kitties, lots of fun ones. Happy bird watching!!!

pilch92 said...

That is a nice collection. I like the one that looks like a skunk. :) XO

John Bellen said...

I think that's the best way to add to a collection: whatever strikes you as interesting and appealing. And tell Precious that I do see the similarities between her and the slinky grey stone cat.

messymimi said...

Your collection is beautiful and special. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Priscilla King said...

Charming post, and collection...I like the bluebirds best.

The J-Cats said...

What a lovely collection! Our Mummy also has a collection of un-live kitties - china and wood and glass and so on.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I am "100 thousand years old" myself and I sure don't have a collection as lovely as Lynn's! I am particularly touched by the story of the kitty holding the feather. That just made me smile xoxo

Julie said...

Hello Lynn & Precious ... just popping by for a (late) visit after my trip to see Mum. I love your feline collection Lynn - just gorgeous ! And very special too. The one for Seney with the feather is rather adorable. I hope you are both well & are getting some fine weather at last. It seems the rain has arrived here & not left! A big slip & a road closure on the road I have just travelled so thankful that I am home safely. xx

Lynn and Precious said...

So glad to hear from you and that you had a safe trip. Our rain is still 3 days out of 7 week after week.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

What a furbulous kitty collection, we have a few here but nothing compared to these cute gems! ❤

Spring Sprang Sprung

  "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He sprung up!" "Real live Chippie eating apple." "I wann...