Monday, April 17, 2023

Just be real. It's not that complicated.


Hope you are well!

I did this:

 It's hard to see, but there's Shimmer Stix on the dragonfly!

I am linking this up at:

Creative Moments #244 - Anything Goes/ Option: *Wings and Things*

Country View Challenge April 2023 - Things with Wings

Cut it Up #275 - Starts with a B/ I have Beautiful, Blue Hope that works!?

Little Red Wagon #700 - Layers at least 2 layers

PIP #2315 - Anything Goes

The weather is odd! Cool at night, and when the wind blows it's cold! The sun has been shining in the mornings!

I have cupboards to clean out, and I'd like to start washing windows. However, we have a crazy Robin, that continuously tries to get in. EVERYWHERE! There is bird $#!t all over, and the windows all have bird slobber on them. It starts before 6 am, and continues until dark!? EVERY. WINDOW. And before you tell me to shut the blinds, this bird is busy before the blinds are open! Sunshine, shade, it doesn't matter! There is bird poop ALL over all the furniture at the front door, and all over the deck floor. I'm scrubbing it all with bleach today....hopefully the smell will deter it from that area!? More first world problems!

Have a great day everyone!

Talk to ya later!

Stay safe!


Sue said...

This is fabulous Gail, I love your bold sentiment! Thanks so much for joining in with us at Country View Crafts and have a very happy week, Sue xx

Chrissy said...

Beautiful card and lovely layers..
Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Little Red Wagon, hope you will play again..

brenda said...

Sounds like one frantic Robin Gail, did watch a Greenfinch try the same last evening but he soon gave up, just as well as hubby steam cleaned all the windows at the weekend.

Your Dragonfly card is very elegant and can imagine the sparkle, it's the hardest thing to get on camera.

B x

Sandra H said...

Beautiful card your Dragonfly is adorable warming up here although still got rain x

chrissy xx said...

Just GORgeous! LOve this design Gail. LOving your colours too.
Awhh! Wonder why your little visitor keeps trying to get in. So unusual.

Dori Shelton said...

Such a sweet card. I really like the layered dimensional look of the butterfly.

Gerda said...

What a very pretty card!! Love the pretty dragonfly!!
Thanks for joining us at Cut it Up challenge!
Have a great day.

Larelyn said...

And it is a beautiful card. Thank you for joining our Cut it Up Starts with a B Challenge.
Larelyn (CIU owner)

Evelyn Walter said...

Beautiful card, Gail! I love the dragonfly and the bold sentiment.
Thanks so much for joining in with us at Country View Challenges this month!
Evelyn xx

Catie Cuddles said...

This is lovely.
Thank you for joining us at Happy Little Stampers anything goes with dies challenge.
Happy crafting!
Catherine x DT