On the train...

 Not much sewing time again the last 2-3 weeks and this has mainly be due to lack of time/too much work... I had completed the train block but wasn't happy with it so I unpicked it and remade it this week. 

With this block finished, I can complete the third row of the top.

I also started on the top row "Harry Potter" and had spent quite some time 2 week-ends ago cutting the pieces with little fabric to spare... only to realise that I had only cut out "Harry"...

This block is actually half of the top row so counts for two really!

 I don't have enough of the blue or the gold left for the other half so I am going to have to write Potter in different fabrics! 

Progress on this UFO is much slower than I was expecting but I am really trying to keep at it. I guess I average about "one" block a week at the moment and I don't think I'll manage to get faster any time soon.

Last week I only managed to sew one time, this week has been better with 4 days.



  1. I so enjoy seeing your Harry Potter blocks. I'm a big fan and each brings a memory. So sorry you ran out of blue and gold! I hope that doesn't slow you down much. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Both blocks look really complicated, you did an excellent job on piecing both. Hope this week was as good or better on the stitching front as last week.


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