Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Nothing you can say will sway me – #MFRWHooks #Steampunk #Paranormal #99cents

Rajasthani Moon sale banner

It’s time for another MFRW Book Hooks blog hop. I’m featuring more from my multi-genre erotic romance Rajasthani Moon. This full length novel, normally $4.99, is still discounted to only 99 cents at all outlets – but only until the end of March. So if you want to sample this outrageous, creative and romantic story for less than a buck, you’ve got to move quickly.

My excerpts usually push the concept of a “hook”. They tend to be much longer than many of the other snippets featured in the hop. Today, though, my hook is short and sweet – just enough, I hope, to entice you to give the book a try!


A bandit prince cursed into beast form under the full moon.

A brilliant but sadistic Rajah whose robotic sex toys mingle torture and delight.

A voluptuous spy on a mission from Her Majesty, tasked with discovering Rajasthan’s secrets.

She has never faced such a challenge.

When Rajasthan refuses to remit its taxes, the Queen calls on her most lethal and seductive secret agent, Cecily Harrowsmith. Cecily expects to have little difficulty persuading the rebellious Rajah to submit once more to the Empire. Instead, she is the one forced to submit – to endure unprecedented extremes of pleasure and pain.

Kidnapped by the ruler's half-brother Pratan and delivered into the hands of the handsome but depraved Rajah Amir, she soon finds herself fighting against her own lascivious nature as much as the schemes of her captors. Her sympathy for the moon-cursed wolf-man Pratan only complicates her situation. Cecily has never failed to complete an assignment, but now she risks betrayal by both her body and her heart.

The Hook

The caravan assembled before dawn, in the courtyard where Cecily had first entered Mehrangarh Fort. The Rajah and his brother had decided to travel in the amphibious coach that had brought her to Jaipur. As she peered in the narrow door, she saw that the interior had been restyled in opulent Oriental mode, with the seats removed, the floor carpeted and piles of bright cushions strewn about.

Can I assist you, madam?” Pratan appeared at her side, a half-grin spread beneath his unruly moustache. He appeared far more cheerful than he had the previous day. Perhaps the night had passed without his shifting to his beast form. If that were true, she was glad she’d stayed away.

Thank you, sir.” It was indeed far easier for her to clamber through the entrance using his proffered hand to stabilise herself. She settled herself among the pillows as he crawled in to join her, taking a position on the opposite side of the vehicle.

They sat for a moment in oddly companionable silence. Pratan was first to speak.

You needn’t do this, Cecily. I’ll convince Amir to release you in any case.”

And let you continue to suffer from this foul curse? No—I can’t allow that, not if it’s in my power to help.”

He reached for her hand. As usual, his touch aroused her, far out of proportion to what was rational. His strength was evident in the brief squeeze he gave her fingers. She dampened as though he’d pressed upon her clit instead.

Please reconsider. You may be condemning me to a life of terrible guilt.”

And would that be worse than the beast’s life you endure now?” Cecily warred against her rising lust. The moon had set and the eastern horizon was luminous with the coming morning, but her presence and scent might still trigger his change. “I’ve made up my mind, Pratan. Nothing you can say will sway me.”

You’re a damned stubborn woman, Cecily Harrowsmith.” He released her hand, leaving her skin tingling in the wake of his fingers. His smile belied the irritation in his voice. “I just hope you won’t regret this foolishness.”

I hope you’re right, she thought. Because even I don’t know exactly why I’m doing this.


Buy Links (only 99 cents until the end of March!)

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I hope you’ll visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks hop!


Adriana said...

It's always the subtle things that are so arousing: "leaving her skin tingling in the wake of his fingers."

Janet Lane Walters said...

Intriguing. Why is she doing waht she will do

Maggie Blackbird said...

Aww, this sums up everything about her right here: “And let you continue to suffer from this foul curse? No—I can’t allow that, not if it’s in my power to help.”

Daryl Devoré said...

Love the line - As usual, his touch aroused her, far out of proportion to what was rational.Tweeted.

Tena Stetler said...

Yep, this says it all about her. But wha a rough decision. “And let you continue to suffer from this foul curse? No—I can’t allow that, not if it’s in my power to help.” I hope it's the right one for her. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed the excerpt.

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