Daryl Devore's Blog

Daryl Devore's Blog

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

But he was safe back here. Deep in the cave. Sweet Medieval Fantasy Romance - A Voice in the Air - on #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor #sweet #medieval #fantasy #romance

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current WIP or previously published book by possibly new to you authors.

Today, I am showcasing a snippet from my sweet medieval romance – A Voice in the Air.

Scene Set – We've met Cadi. Now let's met Ewen.

Excerpt -


So dark.

And cold.

Ewen pressed his palm against the tip of his nose. Even that close, he could not see it. But he was safe back here. Deep in the cave. Out of the reach of a troll’s arm or club.

But he was trapped. He’d crawled along the floor, touching everywhere, hoping to find a way out or a source of light. He found neither. He did find water. Almost drowned. He was a fair swimmer, spending plenty of summer days in the river near the mill. But never had he felt water so cold. It ripped his breath from him. In the blinding darkness, he’d only just found an edge to grab hold of to climb out. He’d lain curled in a ball, shivering until sleep settled on him. When he woke, the pain of his bruises had faded and the ache in his body had lessened.

The rumble of his stomach interrupted his thoughts. He placed his hand on it. “I have no idea whether it be time to eat or not. Nor whether it tis morn or eventide. Ye’ll just have to wait until a troll throws in my meal.” He patted his hand near his right hip, comforting himself by finding the mound of small stones he’d gathered. His meal’s protection from the rats.

He shifted to resting on his knees. With hands pressed together, he lowered his head then closed his eyes. “Dear Lord. I do not wish to seem impatient, but I do not know if it is today or tomorrow. Please forgive me if I have already asked this today. If it is yer will that I die here, so be it. All I ask is, please watch over my father. He is a good man.”

Opening his eyes, he blinked, checking to see if they were truly open. “Should I be brazen enough to ask for a sign of my love to be sent to… She knows not what I feel for her. I, a knight’s squire, have nothing to offer her.”

He felt the tremble of the ground as the darkness seemed to deepen. A loud grunt filled the cave with the lone word, “Fud.” It was the troll’s attempt to tell him his daily meal had arrived.

Blurb and Links -

Leading an army of faeries and pixies into battle against mountain trolls was not what Cadi expected when she accepted the task of rescuing Ewen - the son of the Overseer of the Faeries.

Squire Ewen followed his liege into battle with a head full of romantic notions of knights, heroics, and damsels in distress. Being captured by a troll, thrown into a cave, and awaiting a hideous death was not how he had foreseen his adventure to play out.

Can Ewen stay out of trouble long enough for Cadi to rescue him? Will Cadi overcome her doubts and fears and bring her beloved Ewen home to Plucks Ridge?

Or will the petty evilness of The Scorned One defeat all and destroy the magickal realm?

If you love action, humour, quirky characters, and romance, then Daryl Devoré’s latest medieval fantasy romance – A Voice in the Air – is a must read.



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  1. Interesting hero. Can he escape the troll

  2. Very powerful setting. I could almost smell the mould and feel the dampness. And his faith is strong. Great scene.

  3. Wow, enjoyed the excerpt. Great descriptions! She better get there soon.
