Friday, March 17, 2023


I had a little hiccup with the newest block;  I was enjoying it so much because it had a great rhythm but when I looked at the picture, mine didn't look the same!  I looked more closely at the return row and it alternted every 8 rows and I hadn't done that!!!!  Lena helped me rip out ( and tangle up) the block.
I had it reknit in no time!  It was a very enjoyable block!
 Only one more block to knit and I will begin
 to knit them together into a lap-sized afghan.
And Presto Change-O is sewn into a top!  There were a lot of seams to line up but slow and steady gave me the results I wanted to reach today and this was a big one on the list!

Today--I am going Shop Hopping with friend, Mary!  


  1. I’m sure Lena was very helpful! Beautiful quilt. Have a fun day with Mary! -Marsel

  2. That is a very neat block! Lena is a good helper!

  3. Love the bundle of love you sent!! And the rocks are gorgeous.

  4. Second times the charm! The block and the quilt look great. Good job of matching all those seams. That's always a headache.

  5. Lena loves to "help" you! That block would make a great dishcloth pattern with the texture throughout. The quilt top turned out so beautifully. The colors remind me so much of the ocean in Roatan on our cruise.
    I hope you had a wonderful time on your shop hopping tour and I'm looking forward to reading all about it. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. hope you had fun shop hopping!! and presto Chang0 is so pretty! those colors are some of my favorite!


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...