P.Q. 14.6 Conquer a fear

Project Quilting 14.6 Posey Patch

So Project quilting this week for 14.6 was Conquer a fear.
While I  don't feel this was a fear really it was a bit of a challenge. I wanted to use scraps/stash as per usual this year AND I wanted to do some applique AND I wanted to incorporate a paint chip challenge that my friend and I came up with a few weeks ago. Also my goal was to make baby size quilts for each challenge this year so my finish is 41" x 42"

I was able to use the bottom 5 color chips! Woot.....

I drew up a loose applique design that I felt was kind of fun. 

I used a bunch of odd sized scrap cuts. Sorted them into piles of widths and then just chain pieced them together and then cut at equal lengths. Like a jelly roll race sorta.

Made a great background for my applique plus I actually used some of my stash up for a change.

I just started drawing on fusible web paper and cut out on various colors and voila!

Linking up with Persimon Dreams go see other entries


grammajudyb said…
“Cute as the dickens” to quote my mama! Don’t ask me why dickens is cute, but that’s what she said. I love the light vertical strips background. Good idea!
Jenny said…
Very pretty, and I love the idea of piecing a neutral background out of various strips. I think I'll have to try that idea too, I've a bagful of neutral leftovers just hanging around.
Nann said…
What a lovely quilt! I like the transparency effect as the petals overlap. I've used pieced backgrounds for applique projects with success.
Beautiful color palette and way to go making a baby size quilt for each of the prompts this year!
Triple the challenge for a triple AWESOME quilt finish, Kris!!

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