Charade QAL finish

Charade quilt by Jitterywings quilt co

This quilt was so fun to make and I made a throw size before the qal even started. I gave a talk at my lqg on the topic of improv and though this is a pattern it gives the appearance of improv. I wanted to share with the guild to show that improv is not just wonky cutting. 

The week I finished my guild had a sew day at the International Quilt Museum so I took the opportunity to snap some pics. 

50" x 56" 
cross hatch organic quilting lines
The qal doesn't start until March 25th I believe so if you want to join in there is still time. 

Linking up with My Quilt infatuation
Confessions of a fabric addict can I get a whoop


Oh! Just LOOK at that fabulous rainbow goodness! What a wonderful place for the photo shoot, and a sew day, too.
Marie said…
Love it! I'm not usually a rainbow quilt gal, but you have aced it with your colour choices and placement.

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