Em 2018 o Bloco Diamond Tile estava bombando e acabou entrando para a minha coleção de blocos do desafio Rainbow Scrap Challenge, depois que assisti a uma Quilt Cam com Bonnie Hunter.
O bloco originalmente foi publicado na revista Quiltmaker Edição Maio - Junho 2018 na coluna Addict to Scraps.
De início fiz estes 13 blocos de 7" e também um bloco teste com 12 polegadas.
A partir de então decidi que era tempo de fazer alguma coisa com os 35 blocos que estavam prontos ao invés de continuar acrescentando blocos.
Como queria fazer uma montagem unindo bloco a bloco sem entremeios e "pedras de cantos", em Novembro do ano passado acertei o tombamento de algumas margens de costura para que os blocos pudessem ser unidos um ao outro e tudo se encaixasse perfeitamente.
Dos 35 blocos que foram feitos decidi usar 18 com estampas florais no centro do bloco, para montar um caminho de mesa.
Usei 3 blocos de largura e 6 blocos no comprimento.

Ao costurar à máquina o viés de fechamento (binding) lamentavelmente perdi algumas pontas, mas assim que dei os últimos pontinhos a mão prendendo o viés do lado do avesso, eu ganhei um novo Caminho de Mesa e a sensação de felicidade por ter terminado um UFO, superou toda e qualquer decepção.
Tamanho final do Caminho de Mesa Diamond Tile Floral: 21,5" X 42" (54cm X 107cm)
E para celebrar, mais uma foto ao ar livre, com uma de nossas orquídeas Chuva de Ouro (Oncidium Flexuosum).
Ainda sobraram 17 blocos, com estampas diversas na área central do bloco e em algum momento pretendo fazer algo com eles também.
Compartilhando com:
Alycia em Finished or Not Finished Friday
Gail em TGIFF - Thank Goodness Its Finished Friday
Sarah em Can I get a Whoop-whoop
Frédérique em Patchwork and Quilts
Angela em Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Cynthia em Oh Scrap
Kathy em Slow Sunday Stitching
22 comentários:
Lovely finish, Ivani!
Very nice finish, Ivani. That does look like a tricky block to make. Yours look perfect and love the fussy cut centers. Have a great weekend.
so pretty - I remember being tempted to make those
A beautiful table runner! Nice to finally use some of your pretty blocks!
the quilt looks great!
Beautiful table runner, Ivani! Love the striped binding! Also, those yellow orchids! Wow!
Diamond Tile is great! Thanks for linking on TGIFF!
Ivani, that turned out beautifully! I love that thread you quilted it with, too. It looks like this runner is perfect for your table!
I like those floral block centers. And you turned those blocks into a very cheery table runner. Very nice! And I love those rain orchids.
What a fun happy finish!!! Love all the colors - and that pattern is really cool!
Very pretty! And it reminds me that there are some Diamond Tile blocks hanging in my sewing room closet - just waiting to become something.
Beautiful blocks, congratulations on the finish,the quilt turned out beautifully
Congratulations! An almost perfect finished UFO is better than an aging UFO. You did a great job! ;^)
This is such a lovely table runner, and a great use of pretty blocks. I love your bright yellow orchids too, and your runner looks even more of a springtime feel close to them! Lovely simple quilting too.
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely finish and linking up!
Such a pretty table runner. Now what will you make with the remaining blocks?
Ivani, what a beautiful quilt you made. It made my heart smile, all those happy colours especially with us having lots of snow still up north with no spring yet. Have a good weekend.
You have made a very pretty table runner. Lovely colours and beautifully put together. Glad you made something using them because they look like a lot of hard work went into making the blocks and putting them together so well.
Fabulous finish, Ivani! Beautiful table runner. Bonnie Hunter sure has some interesting patterns. It's so nice that she puts so many into written patterns or magazine articles.
Beautiful finish and I love your outside photo's with it.
Beautiful table runner Ivani! Happy stitching!
Congratulations on moving your blocks out of the UFO bin and into a charming table runner.
Oh my, your Diamond Tiles is a most beautiful finish, Ivani! It is dancing with gorgeous colour and happiness! How lovely it will look displayed on your table!
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