Daryl Devore's Blog

Daryl Devore's Blog

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Is yer warrior handsome? The one Fira wishes ye to rescue. A Voice in the Air on #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor #sweet #medieval #fantasy #romance

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current WIP or previously published book by possibly new to you authors.

Today, I am showcasing a snippet from my sweet medieval romance – A Voice in the Air.

Scene Set – I skipped forward a bit - Cadi befriends a lass.

Excerpt -

As Cadi walked beside Aderyn, she asked, “Ye are not from here. Plucks Ridge is small, and we be about the same age. I should know ye. I have never seen ye in the village.”

“I do not go there. Fira says, it would be unsafe.” She dropped the apples she had collected in her skirt in the basket. “I be not from here. I am from away. I do not know what my village was called. I was too young when I left.”

Cadi stood on the opposite side of the tree and picked up the windfall apples. “Why did ye leave?”

“I remember very little. I was young. And alone.”

“As was I, once.”

Aderyn smiled. “We be kindred spirits.”

“May I say… oh, tis wrong of me.” Cadi picked at her sleeve.

Placing her fingertips under Cadi’s chin, she tilted her friend’s face up. “Ye may feel free to speak. Remember, we are kindred spirits.”

“Yer eyes.”

Aderyn flinched.

“Nay! Do not be alarmed.” Cadi placed her hands on Aderyn’s shoulders. “Yer eyes be unusual but beautiful. The blue be like a fine summer’s sky. The green be like the thick hay before harvest.”

Aderyn’s voice was soft. “Beautiful? Most called me—”

Cadi hugged her new friend. “Those people were vile. Pay them no mind. Ye are beautiful.”

A flush of bright red tinged Aderyn’s cheeks. “We mustn’t stand here all day. There are apples to pick.” She hitched up her skirt, scampered up the old apple tree, then crawled out onto a branch. “These are the ones the deer could not reach.” She dropped several down to Cadi. “We will have plenty to slice and string.”

“Stop. I must empty my skirt.” She poured her apples into her basket.

Aderyn rested, munching on a piece of the fruit. “Is yer warrior handsome? The one Fira wishes ye to rescue.”

“He is not a warrior.” Cadi reached up to catch the next apples. “He is one only in my heart. And aye, he’s handsome. Brown hair that curls at the ends. Eyes that shine when he smiles. And a laugh that makes me want to sing with joy.”

“But he went to fight the trolls. Oh, sorry. That one slipped.”

Cadi dodged the falling fruit.

Blurb and Links -

Leading an army of faeries and pixies into battle against mountain trolls was not what Cadi expected when she accepted the task of rescuing Ewen - the son of the Overseer of the Faeries.

Squire Ewen followed his liege into battle with a head full of romantic notions of knights, heroics, and damsels in distress. Being captured by a troll, thrown into a cave, and awaiting a hideous death was not how he had foreseen his adventure to play out.

Can Ewen stay out of trouble long enough for Cadi to rescue him? Will Cadi overcome her doubts and fears and bring her beloved Ewen home to Plucks Ridge?

Or will the petty evilness of The Scorned One defeat all and destroy the magickal realm?

If you love action, humour, quirky characters, and romance, then Daryl Devoré’s latest medieval fantasy romance – A Voice in the Air – is a must read.



Pinterest - A Voice in the Air 

Good Reads

What’s Happening in March

16 – Spotlight – Libby Kay - Falling for You
17 - My Blog. My Post. My Books
18 - Backlist Saturday Spotlight
19 - Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday
20A - Open Book Blog Hop #OpenBook
20B - Books & More Blog Hop #BooksandMore
21 – Spotlight – Motivational Tuesday
22 - Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor
23 – Spotlight – Bobbi Groover – The Way Home Saga
24 - My Blog. My Post. My Books
25 - Backlist Saturday Spotlight
26 - Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday
27A - Open Book Blog Hop #OpenBook
27B - Books & More Blog Hop #BooksandMore
28 – Spotlight –Sarah Biglow and Molly Zenk - Celestial Academy
29 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor
30 – Motivational Thursday 
31 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

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  1. I think I must have missed a week... I don't recall Cadi meeting Aderyn. But it does my heart good to see her have a friend.

  2. Nice exchanges between the two who are becoming friends.

  3. Ah, so now both these young women are connected with Fira, who's sending Cadi out to rescue her warrior. Glad she has a friend, and great description of him.

  4. I was a bit confused at first, didn't remember the new woman, Cadi's new friend. Glad she has a friend now. Loved the description of her warrior. Thanks for sharing!
