Got A Bit Done

It was a rainy day yesterday so I was kind of busy going from one project to another – one of those kind of days dark and dreary that if you didn’t stay busy you would fall asleep – which I almost did at least once!

First I got the rest of the pieces cut out for the Snail’s Trail/Storm at Sea top – so now all is cut and just need to sew – I don’t usually bother to fussy cut but the green with the floral print was pretty so I cut two of those – how about “Stormy Snail’s”?  I’m thinking of different names while I finish it up or “Sea Swept Snails


As I was cutting I was cutting the leftover scraps into the sizes that I keep in my pre-cut boxes 1.5, 2, and 2.5 inches

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the 2.5 inch box is really ready to use it is packed – the 2 inch (above) is almost full as well.


This is the size of the boxes – I have 13 boxes packed full of various sizes – I think 3 of them now have strings in them


Noriko’s Star is ready to stitch as I finished with the thread basting – I then divided the design between two felt covered boards so it would be easier to keep track of.  I will start on the top section first and the bigger board will sit on the cutting table or the quilting frame when it isn’t being used to make sure it doesn’t all empty out on the floor.  Linking to Wendy’s Quilts and MoreConfessions of a Fabric Addict


Rainbow Crossings was rolled down and work continues.


A dark rye bread was made and was mixing and baking while I was cutting out the pieces for the Snails Trail quilt – some people have said they don’t like how the loaves form and find them hard to cut – they mix it in their bread maker and then put it in a regular bread pan because they don’t like the way it slices up so I thought I would share how I cut it – first I cut 2-3 slices off of the top that is mushroomed up normally.   We had those pieces to go with supper last night so we had already eaten them when I was taking photos LOL – I had read in my bread manual that mixed grain breads get baked on the whole wheat cycle which takes longer and bakes a little longer but this one sure didn’t need it – it baked a little too long in my opinion and was a bit crustier than I want – but it was still good.  This was the recipe I used.  I didn’t put in caraway seeds as I don’t really like them all that much and I used canned milk instead of water just because I like using it.


Then I place it on it’s side and cut it in half


Then each side gets cut into the amount I want –


I normally save in two bags – one gets eaten and the other goes in the freezer and I gradually go through it making toast in the morning.  I do have a bread slicer – a board type of thing that has openings in it where you place your bread and slice in the appropriate area for even slices but I do not like the model I have and rarely use it.



Accuquilt – From the 9th to the 13th Extra 10% off GO! Qube Block Sets and Companion Sets (use code: MMQUBES10)


Green Fairy has jelly rolls for 35 to 50% I’m not sure how long this sale is for


6 comments… add one
  • Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts Mar 10, 2023 @ 7:47

    Your rye bread looks yummy and it sounds like you’ve figured out a good way to cut those loaves to get the right size pieces! Sometimes it’s fun to fussy cut a few pieces for a project. That green with the rose print is really pretty! Your boxes of cut squares are both pretty and useful. I always think of doing that, but end up being lazy and just cutting pieces as I need them!

  • Vicki in MN Mar 10, 2023 @ 7:55

    My DH made bread yesterday too! He takes out the knead bar after the last kneading cycle, we don’t like the hole it leaves:) And he takes it out 6 minutes before the beeper goes off so it doesn’t get so crusty.

  • Little Penpen Mar 10, 2023 @ 8:00

    You are SO organized! I was sewing yesterday and my big pile on the table behind me slid right off into the floor. Your bread looks delicious!

  • Michelle Mar 10, 2023 @ 8:06

    Ooh! I thought Court Jester was pretty awesome, but I’m also liking Sea Swept Snails. Love the fussing cut piece. Like you, I don’t do it often, but sometimes an opportunity presents itself. Your bread looks delicious!

  • Jocelyn Thurston Mar 10, 2023 @ 10:40

    Beautiful projects as always, nice to be in on the start of another one and neat to see how you store your great squares like that. What a treasure trove of squares for some future wonderful project. I use the bread machine all the time and don’t mind the odd shape. Most of the slices are more or less normal. I’ve never made rye in mine but want to make sourdough if I could.

  • Vicki Welsh Mar 10, 2023 @ 20:45

    OMG, the end of rainbow Crossing is in sight! You have 13 boxes of scraps? That’s quite a nice bank of future projects.

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