Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Turkey Up A Tree, A Me Day, Wheel Within A Wheel Quilt, Starting Snow Days

 This time of year I take comfort in the lengthening of light that suddenly becomes noticeable. Not that I dislike winter; in fact, I enjoy it. I even like the snow especially piling up and the shadows all in blues and purples.  But yet, thoughts of spring and garden flowers are uplifting thoughts, filled with light thoughts.  I always feel grateful for living where there are the seasons, the wonder of it all continually moving and changing around us.

 I was thrilled to hear birds singing Monday morning. I distinguished the Cardinal and the Phoebe, the latter surprising to hear this early in the season. (But then I'm always surprised by how early they arrive back here from the south). They survive on insects and surely it must be slim pickings still in that regard. 

I was so excited when I spied this bird high, high up in the tall deciduous forest. I thought, with some excitement, it's an eagle, my first here on this property. 

No not an eagle; yes a turkey. However a little exciting because I'd always heard they roosted in treetops overnight. Always fun when you get to witness it. Such a heavy, ungainly bird so high up. 

Saturday I had a me day. Stayed in flannel and cozy fleece all day. Drank a second cup of coffee.I had made a pasta casserole the night before to keep me out of the kitchen. I used lots of cheese and actually put a package of Stove Top Dressing on top too. To compensate/ramp up the nutritional value, I chopped carrots and spinach to mix in with the dressing. It all was tasty. Btw, I have switched from using a sort of fancy marinara sauce bought at Costco to good old Prego which does surprisingly well in taste test competitions. Walmart doesn't carry it so I get mine at Giant Tiger.

 I took an extra long walk in the morning, collected sticks for my fires along the way. Ikea bags come in handy for so many things.

I worked on adding more bits and bobs to those Wheel Within a Wheel blocks. My eyes are adjusting to their extreme scrappiness. :) They remind me of old time quilts where whatever material was to be found would be used to make quilts.
I need to sew more of the fans and figure out how many of these blocks I need all together. To continue doing this week.
Astrid in  this post at Red Needle Quilts showed her progress on her Crabapple Hill Design, Over the River. It reminded me that I have a similar pattern called Snow Days. I dug it out, cut the blocks to size and put my giant light box to work tracing the designs. That was very relaxing. 
What had stopped me from starting this project (which I've had for almost 10 years!!) was stitching the accompanying quilt blocks. Now that I'm this far into quilting and more experienced with a machine, I think I can manage to sew them. 

I also read my eyes out visiting your blogs. So much beautiful stitching going on; I'm in awe of all your talent and generosity, my kind blogging friends.  Also as always, thanks for sharing your stories with me and sending me words of empathy and encouragement. 2023 has gotten off to a rocky start for my little family but we are in it together, supporting each other which is what family does. 💕

Do drop back on Thursday...I'm especially happy with the new finds I'll be sharing with you.

Happy to be sharing this post with linky parties at Quilt SchmiltCreations, Quilts, ArtWendy's Quilts and MoreFor the Love of GeeseConfessions of a Fabric AddictQuilting Patchwork Applique and Alycia Quilts.


Robin said...

Love the Wheel within a Wheel blocks. I'm kind of partial to wheel blocks and I love the scrappiness of this red, white, and blue version. I bet it was a surprise to see such a big bird in the trees.

Jackie said...

Old fashioned scrappy blocks are pretty much my thing. I really love how very different each block can turn out to be.

I never thought turkeys could fly that high. Learn something new every day.

God bless.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm with you on the lift that light and blooming things give us - even when we don't mind the winter landscape! What a treat to find that turkey roosting in your tree! We enjoy finding turkeys in unexpected places, too. Your day at home sounds lovely with that yummy casserole as a bonus. I love seeing your Wheel within a Wheel blocks - lots of scrappy color there! I have never stitched any Crabapple Hill designs, but I sure admire them. Snow Days is a beautiful one!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We've never seen a turkey up in a tree before, we do have some around here. We're really ready for spring, it was 77F here today, in February, that's unusual even for us.

Juliana said...

So glad you had a day of flannel and fleece, hot drinks, blog reading--comfort, warmth, and community. Great photo of the turkey. I love those birds. They are very entertaining, and even a little majestic, although maybe they are also the clowns of the big birds. Take good care of yourself, and may you have peace within the family challenges.

Anonymous said...

A me day sounds perfect! Do take care and enjoy your embroidery project. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

Pamela Dempsey said...

What fun to spot a turkey 🩃 in a tree! I love days that I don’t have to get dressed đŸ€—

Gretchen Weaver said...

Enjoy embroidering the blocks for Snow Days, this is a very pretty pattern. Happy stitching!

Susie H said...

Glad you had a day to spoil yourself. We need to give ourselves that gift every now & again even when life is good. I have Snow Days too!!!! Fabrics were collected years ago but this project was never started. Maybe I'll dig it out and stitch with you. No pressure, of course, We can just sew together!

Michele McLaughlin said...

That wheel within a wheel quilt is going to be a stunner! I'm really excited by scrap quilts and that one really made me go ooooooooooh and ahhhhhhhhh! I haven't seen a turkey in a tree (although they are around here) but seeing a heron in a tree top always amazes me. Big birds on branches do startle one. Snow days looks like a fun quilt! Have a relaxing day!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am amazed at the turkey I didn't realize they could roost in trees. I'm glad you are seeing cardinals that means maybe our warmer weather might be here to stay? but who can tell we could still get some short cold spells in March. Your fans are coming along nicely and look good. I was picking up sticks yesterday and have a lot more to go to clean up one area in by the tall pine trees but will not do it today very windy outside wouldn't want one to break off while I'm under them

Libby in TN said...

We have lots of turkeys on the Plateau, but I've never seen one in a tree! When it comes to the blocks for Snow Days, don't feel compelled to make it just like the pattern. Pick one or two of the easier ones and make as many as you need for the size you want. It will still be beautiful.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. It is now on my header list on my i-pad, so I can check in easily. Here
In Vancouver, the tips of bulbs are showing although they may be unhappy with the -8 forecast for tomorrow. Nevertheless Spring is on the way for all of us!

Lorraine said...

It's always good to have a pajama day now and then. I remember my HS biology teacher telling us about the turkeys roosting in the trees around his home on a nearby mountain. He told us that when they noticed it first happening was when they kept hearing this plopping sound and saw the turkeys falling to the ground in the morning. When he told it, it was much funnier. Love seeing the progress on your projects. Enjoy the additional daylight.

loulee said...

A me day every now and then is a good thing. I have the same pattern as Astrid and must pull it out. Your wheels within wheels look good.
Prego means Welcome, in Italian.

Cathy said...

Love your Wheel in Wheel blocks. I just might be inspired to make one. I love the scrappiness of it.

I was on a walk in our woods one time and a wild turkey flew out of a tree right in front of me and scared the living daylights out of me.

Jenny said...

Turkeys in trees, I never knew that. Although I believe that peacocks roosts in trees too. Thst a nice you project you are starting, I always rather lime a mixture of pieced and stitchery blocks together.

Carol Andrews said...

Hi Jocelyn. Your Wheel Within a Wheel quilt is just perfect. It does remind me of quilts my grandmother had. Use up what you have and make the scraps sing is what she always said. Your Snow Days is going to be a project to keep you very busy for a while. It looks intriguing. I am glad to hear you have taken some time to enjoy the longer walk and a comfy day at home as well. Sometimes we just need to spoil ourselves a bit. Your turkey in a tree made me giggle. We have wild ones here in our part of the country as well. They can be nasty but it is fun to see them wandering unless the flock decides to cross the highway when you have an appointment to keep. Keep well and have a great week. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

K Reeves said...

Oh my goodness, you are a busy lady! I love your Lone Star Medallion, and the Snow Days pattern as well. The photos of the turkey and the raven are both first rate in my book. We just had about 10 inches of snow this week, but without the wind they thought we might have. It is cold for here, -12, but the snow was so clean and beautiful I didn’t mind. I ended up teaching nearly all my piano lessons over zoom yesterday and today, but with no school, I was able to finish earlier in the day, so two nice long evenings this week.

The freebies you share each week really are a treasure trove, thank you for doing all that research!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Your wheel in wheel blocks are super, love the colours.

PaintedThread said...

I'm impressed - no phoebe's here yet. Your me-day looks like a good thing. I hope you enjoyed it! I saw that bag of sticks and figured Ned had collected them. ;-) Snow Days looks like a pretty quilt! Enjoy your weekend!

Michelle said...

The Turkey in the tree is so interesting. I’ve never seen one in a tree, although we have quite a few turkeys here in western NC. Your Wheel Within a Wheel quilt is so fun and pretty. Filled with scrappy goodness!

Vivian said...

So much here to enjoy! I came here for the quilt blocks but as a new CS-er I love, love loved seeing your current header photo! I did not know Turkeys could even go up so high! Your fleece loungers look so cozy, add some hand work on that lap and it's a recipe for a perfect day. Loving your scrappy Wheel blocks and good luck on your Crabapple project. I had never considered attempting one because of the extensive embroidery parts but if there's one thing quilting has taught me it's "never say never"!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Looks like you had a great week!!! I love the Me Day Jammies - they look cozy!!! and your wheel within a wheel - looks very antiquey!!! I like it!!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

PJ day sounds great. Your blocks are coming along. You always find a bird to show us. Neat.
I went back to read you January post (which I may have had my head in the long arm mess) I too have wanted a calm year. I am trying to stay away from things I cannot control. Things that bother me are difficult to get out of my mind, so I am trying to just give them to God and to just put them in the box of "I have no control on this and neither does my mind".

Hang in there. Have you ever though of a Vitamin D Sun Lamp - I have one in the Bedroom and one in the Studio - we have had a lot of cloudy days and I cannot take the supplements. Doing the lamp 15 minutes a day really helps - keeps me motivated and sane!

Take care. Hugs

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your design wall looks very pretty with these blocks, I love the color combo. Snow Days is going to be a beautiful top too!
Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

thatfabricfeeling.wordpress.com said...

Your fans look so amazing. I love the scrappiness but there's also a unifying color sense. Good for you for pulling out a long forgotten project. I have way, way too many of those. You go get em!! Thanks for sharing.

audrey said...

I am loving the wheel within a wheel quilt! All that scrappiness is just pure fun.:)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I don't know if you notice but with the change of light I find all sorts of dust in my house that wasn't apparent before. And streaks on the picture glass.
Great photo of the turkey in the tree...not something you see very often. We have eagles in our area and I think I spotted one on the fly one day but couldn't be sure.
Snow Days looks like a fun project.