I am growing up, Nili
TGIF!! Happy Friday friends, my angel sister Layla is watching me grow up from heaven and I think she would be proud of me.
We had a hectic week this week, Mom had lots to do, and she told me she is exhausted today BOL. So, this weekend we are taking it slow and weather permitting I am going to spend time in the park playing while Mom drinks her coffee. Mom has her coffee, and I have my treats which I think is fair.
On Wednesday I went to the groomers, I have been itching a bit so Mom decided I needed a haircut. I do not like them although they told Mom I was very good although I made sure I got lots of treats for the torture. We walked there about 2 miles and by the time we got there Mom was very tired but I as always had lots of energy. She left me there and went home to finish house cleaning and they texted her when I was ready. So, she cheated and took a bus to pick me up and then told me we were going to take a bus home. It was my first time on a bus which I did not like that much but Mom told me I will learn to ride them so we can go to different places but the best was on the way home we stopped in the park for some fun.

Walking to the groomers

Mommy don’t leave me please

Getting after the groom treats, do I look pretty ? I also got this bowtie from them

Sitting on the bus going home
The most exciting news this week is I am off a long leash now in the park and can run around like a lunatic burning off energy, chasing dogs and of course roll on the lawn especially after the groom BOL. It is so much fun, and I am being a good girl listening when Mom calls me and I run back to her, if I do that guess what? I get a treat, so it is so worth listening to Mom. I am being very good, not going far and having fun.
You can see me run fast chasing Charlie on the below video :
So, you see my friends, I am growing up, I can now run freely in the park but as Mom says to be a real grown up I need to stop pulling on the leash which I am slowly doing plus vacuuming the streets of all the food which is not good for me but so yummy. Those are my new lessons till I excel in them. Mom is not such a bad teacher after all and she is very proud of herself BOL.
What are your plans this weekend? I hope you are going to have lots of fun and make memories. We cannot wait to hear and see the photos.
Be safe and have a wonderful week, stay warm
With a woof and love from Nili.
March Pet Holidays and Awareness

March 2025 Pet Holidays and Awareness
- Poison Prevention Awareness Month.
Week-Long Holidays
- March 2-8: Pet Professional Pet Sitting Week
- March 14-21: Pet Theft Awareness Week (UK).
- March 16-22: National Animal Poison Prevention Week
- March 24-30: Tick Bite Prevention Week.
One-Day Holidays
- March 1: National Cat’s Day (Russia).
- March 2: International Rescue Cat Day.
- March 3: International Tripawd Awareness Day.
- March 3: What if Cats & Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day.
- March 13:K-9 Veterans Day.
- March 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day(UK).
- March 15: National Catio Day.
- March 17: Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day— patron saint of cats.
- March 17: Saint Patrick’s Day
- March 20: Dogs in Yellow Day.
- March 23. Cuddly Kitten Day.
- March 26: Purple Day for Epilepsy
- March 28: Respect Your Cat Day.
- March 30: Take a Walk in the Park Day.
Have a wonderful March Everyone
With a woof and love from
Today was National Love Your Pet Day
Woof to all my friends,
Did you know that Valentines might be over but today, Thursday February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day?
This is a very special day as it makes us humans realize how much we love our pets and how fortunate we are to have them in our lives. Something I would not change ever. I am aware that we spoil our pets daily, but I love the idea of one day a year is dedicated to them.
Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet? There are more cats than dogs in the U.S., most households have dogs not cats, but the difference is not that much. Pets are not only canine and feline, there are quite a few who prefer birds, reptiles, fish, or rats.
Whatever pet it is they all deserve to be extra spoiled on this day.
Below are some ideas of what we can do, and we cannot wait to hear from you what you did. I spoiled Nili by taking her to the park for some fun, baked her some yum treats and gave her more attention than she normally gets, she was one happy girl.

Angel Layla sharing her ideas
Nili playing with Monkey in the park, she had so much fun
So, all my fur friends I hope you had a Happy National Love Your Pet Day with lots of treats, fun with your humans and please make lots of memories.
With a woof and love from Nili and my sister in heaven, Angel Layla
Happy Valentines Day
Hello fur friends,
Today is Valentines Day or as Mom calls it chocolate day, and she told me she is going to spoil herself with chocolate. I am doing what my sister would have done and that is speak for all the shelter animals. But before I start Mom deserves to spoil herself today, so she is going to a Valentine Party with friends and I am staying at home. I think she deserves it although I will miss her.
Mom and I had a long chat this week about Valentines Day, the same as she had every year with my sister Layla and how I do not need anything as I am a spoiled brat but how the animals in shelters need to be loved also so we decided to put a package together of goodies and we going to drop it off at one of the shelters.
Those animals do not deserve to be in shelters but in warm homes with lots of love, but we humans are to blame for that so as Mom says those caring humans who are speaking out for them must make sure also that they are spoiled on Valentine’s Day with love.
We are asking all our fur friends to please go to a shelter and donate food, treats or toys so that the animals can feel special love also. What could be better than seeing the smile of a dog or cat being spoiled like we are, it is a blessing.
I have a question? Who wants to be my Valentine?
We must not forget also today is a very important day for us, it is Pet Theft Awareness Day, something Mom cannot understand as we should be protected from those horrible thieves so it is so important to keep an eye on us at all times plus of course make sure our microchips are up to date so we can be found.
Happy Valentines Day everyone, make sure you spoil your mom or Dad with lots of licks and being good,
With woofs and love from Nili
Walking Nili in the rain
TGIF!! It has been raining nonstop all week, and I am sure Layla is chuckling as I fight Nili to go for walks or should I stay swimming. She does not like the rain, and she does not like raincoats, so we walk without one and we come home drenched. Nili does not like the hairdryer either so I have to towel dry her for as long as she allows me and then I put the heater on to warm her up. (I am scared to know what my bill is going to be). Another new quirk with her is grabbing a toy on the way out so she has one in her mouth while walking, I always take them away from her before leaving as I do not want her to get them dirty.

Mom is calling me a wet rag from the rain and my walk
I have come to the conclusion that once she starts walking, she is happy as the entire street smells food and I try to avoid it all but when she manages to get something in her mouth, she is happy and I am not. But I have come to the conclusion that this little girl was a stray and used to eating off the ground so her tummy is used to it and I cannot fight her anymore and getting bit and bleeding. I know it sounds crazy and until she gets proper training (am waiting for a trainer) the walking food fight is going to carry on. One of her cute quirks when walking her is she walks up to people for pets and the rolls on her back for belly rubs, everyone just laughs and rubs her belly, it is really cute and reminds me of my dog Baby who was with me before Layla as she used to do the same. I call her the meet and greet on the street needing belly rubs. She is very stubborn, and it is either her way or no way and she will sit. Every day I am learning something new of her. Never a dull moment. I am open to all suggestions to make my life easier when walking her.
So, with the rain, and us being stuck inside, I have been keeping Nili playing with her and her squeaky toys and we are already minus 5 toys that she has totally killed, stuffing all over the house, a squeaker in pieces and she is having the time of her life, never boring.
Below is a video of her evening ritual, I sit and talk to the toy and it talks back, I am going crazy LOL.
That has been our week, I am hoping next week it will dry out a bit although we need the rain but I need some outdoors with her so she can burn off energy and not be stuck here, although I am lucky to live in a locked building with a large hallway so when we come home from walks I let her do zoomies and she is happy doing it.
How has your week been? Stay warm and dry, be safe.
Love and woofs from Nili
February 2025 Pet Holidays and Observances
February 2025 Pet Holidays and Observances

February is Black Dog Awareness Month, Nili, that is why Mom adopted my sister Layla and then me
- Beat the Heat Month.
- Black Dog and Cat Syndrome Awareness Month.
- Dog Training Education Month
- Feline Fix by Five Month.
- National Cat Health Month.
- National Prevent a Litter Month.
- Spay/Neuter Awareness Month.(Humane Society of the United States)
- Pet Dental Month
- Responsible Pet Owners Month.
- 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week.
- 16-22: National Justice for Animals Week
- 2: Sled Dog Day
- 2: National Brown Dog Day.
- 3: Doggy Date Night
- 5: World Animal Reiki Day
- 12: Safety Pup Day.
- 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day.
- 14. Valentine’s Day
- 20:National Love your Pet Day (which is every day)
- 22: Marie Day. Designated by Walt Disney Japan, this day celebrates Marie of TheAristoCats!
- 22: Walking the Dog Day.
- 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day and National Dog Biscuit Day.
- 25: World Spay Day. Very Important Day
Have a pawsome February friends,
With love and woofs from Nili
Angel Layla’s Gotcha Day
TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But most important Happy Gotcha Day to Angel Layla.
Dear Layla,
I was so proud to be your mom, to be able to keep you healthy and happy but most important of all am so blessed to have had you in my life. You taught me so much and I was so blessed.
I am once again going to share your Gotcha Story here so that others will realize rescuing is so worth it and that is why I speak out for rescues, as like you, they all need a home with a warm bed to sleep on, and that is why I opened my home and heart to Nili.
I remember when your sister (Baby) passed away, I waited about 6 weeks and then decided my home was too empty without the pitter patter of paws, so the search was on. I ran around to all the shelters in the city but could not find a little fluffy at the time, which is what I wanted.
So, Uncle Michael introduced me to Aunt Cindy by email, told me that he would be in LA for a week so I had a week to search online for a new fur kid and he would bring her home to me.
I sat 24/7 on Petharbor and Petfinder and was nearly giving up when I saw you sitting in a cage in the Carson Shelter. Your look on your face said to me take me home. I immediately emailed Aunt Cindy with your information and photo and she went to the Shelter on Saturday to fetch you for me. I remember her calling me from there telling me she had a smelly matted mess kissing her, that sealed the deal.
You arrived on Sunday evening, the 31st of January 2011, I had got the house ready for you, bought you a new pink bed and was so excited. Yes, you were smelly and dirty, but I did not care as there are washing machines for laundry, and for me what was important was you were finally home, safe and sound with a nice warm bed.
Your dumping papers said you had been an outdoor dog; you bit when groomed and in a nutshell, everything negative a person can say and OH what a lie. You are the opposite. I am ashamed to even say what your name was.
I waited a couple of days and then met a friend of mine, a vet, Dr. Phil in the dog park, he looked at you, checked you and said I had won, and he was so right.
During your first couple of days you slept and ate, I had to teach you to climb the stairs, potty outside and am proud to say you had an accident inside. You did no damage, and I did not crate you as I do not believe in crates but as far as I remember you chewed a tissue LOL.

You overcame your fear of men, your fear of so many things but with love and patience we did it together and you succeeded and we did many adventures together, you riding in your backpack, went to different lakes, different events in San Francisco, and our life was full of fun.
You came a long way Layla, 13 wonderful years with me, we moved, you became one of the most happiest waggy tail dogs I know, friendly, full of love and I could not have asked for anything more.
As you grew older with me, Mom is growing older too, I could not ask for a better way to grow old but with you, you made me laugh, shower me with unconditional love, and even when you were naughty I giggle as it is so seldom. In your last years when you lost your sight, ability to walk, you still loved to be outdoors, sniffing around, riding in your stroller like a princess, nothing stopped you. Your last birthday last year is something I will never forget especially when you got into mischief finding your Uncles pocket of his jacket to search for your favorite chicken jerky but in the end unravelling the roll of poop bags all over the floor. We all had a good laugh and you wagged your tail, then went and lay down and went to sleep.

Napping at her birthday party

She loved riding in her backpack
Thank you for rescuing me Layla, Mommy is so proud of you, so blessed to have shared my bed with you and most of all, Mommy loves you very much and misses you daily.
Happy Gotcha Day Sweetheart over the Rainbow Bridge, my Lullybelle (her nickname) and I promise you are always with me in my heart, I miss you terribly and I know you would have loved Nili, thank you for sending her to me.
Hugs and lots of love Mom
I can honestly say Online Love Affairs do exist.
I have become a park fan
TGIF!!!!!!!!! Good morning, Fur friends, we hope you are all safe and staying warm.
I have become a member of the dog park; we have been going daily as the sun was out and it was really warm and although I am still tied to the bench, I am having so much fun meeting new dogs and playing. I still have a lot to learn but I am getting there and Mom is very proud of me which makes me happy.

Playing with Isloo
This week I got a new harness from MrPeanuts, a pretty pink and it fits me perfectly and is so comfortable to wear, it came with a pink leash so I cannot pull Mom anymore as it shorter than the one that I had. I am also playing less tug of war with the leashes which Mom is so relieved with as her shoulder is not hurting that much.

Do I look pretty in pink? Nili
So that has been our week, busy as always, Mom leaving me alone when she runs errands which I don’t like but love the treats when she gets home BOL as there is a price to pay for leaving me here. Mom says as soon as I learn to ride in the backpack and not eat all the junk off the street she will take me with her so that is my next lesson.
Our life is busy, but happy and I am one lucky rescued dog living the best life now and pray others have the same luck as me.
Have a wonderful long weekend,
With love and licks

His words are what I live by, Layla RIP, Nili and Me
Are you prepared?
TGIF!! Good Morning Everyone, we are a little late with our blog this week as the chaos in California has taken over our lives, the worry for our friends and family in Los Angeles who are thank goodness safe, the sharing all the information on social media non stop has kept me really busy although I have taken Nili to the park daily to get off electronics and give her a break.
Are you prepared for a Natural Disaster? That is my question for the week.
Climate change is really happening, I know there are people that do not believe it but it is happening. I am looking around the world as to what is happening and it worries me and we should be doing everything in our power to save the planet for future generations.
I look at California, in the past month we have had tornado warnings, tsunami warnings, the horrific fires in Los Angeles and this morning we were woken to an earth tremor here in San Francisco. I think it is the third or fourth in the past month.
So, we should all be preparing especially as our pets depend on us and make sure we have an emergency bag to go with everything needed. This is what I have in mine and am always worried I do not have enough for Nili. I have started vertigo so my balance is off especially when stressed so have put all in a light weight suitcase so I can push or pull it which will help my balance plus Nilis’ carrier fits on the handles as I do not want her to walk on the debri an hurt herself.
The plus with this carrier is that it expands so that I will have room to stretch out plus Mom can put a water bowl or food in it. She would keep it closed for carrying but once in a safe place she would expand the sides and front. It also has a strap in it so she can strap me in, and I cannot run. It would give her peace of mind. You can see it on this website plus all their other products :

I personally think this is the best as they are comfortable and not cramped
In our bag we have Boxes of Water, Poop Bags, Food for both of us, Treats, Flashlights with batteries, sleeping bag for Mom, toys for me of course, Leash and harness with ID tags on, and BOL some coffee for Mom, and most important a first aid kit for both of us. Passport or some form of ID, Medications, my supplements including my Relax from Real Mushrooms; you can find them on this link and are fantastic, you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.

Nili gets both and the relax is in the bag also
The food Mom has for me is air dried kibbles with all the nutrients from YumWoof, you have a 5% discount with coupon YUMNILI

mine mine mine, you cannot have, Nili
We also have a wallet with cash in just in case ATMs are not working so I feel Mom has covered everything. If you think she has forgotten something, please tell Mom so she can add it to our bag. I also keep my phone charged so that it will be charged if I must grab it and go out.
We are praying for all our friends in Los Angeles, praying for the safety of all the wild animals and strays, please join us in these prayers as everyone needs them at this moment,
Take care and be safe
With a woof and love from
Disclaimer : We have not been sponsored for this blog post, all coupons will not increase the prices on the website and we do get a percentage from sales which helps us keep the blog going and Nili healthy.
January 2025 Pet Holidays and Observances
January has arrived, a new year, new calendar of holidays and observances, let’s get started.

Nili reading the list to you so you don’t forget LOL
What I love about this month is that for all new dog parents this month is dedicated to training and walking your new dog.
- Unchain a Dog Month.
- Walk your dog month
- National Train Your Dog Month
- 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day.
- 2: Happy Mew Year for Cats Day.
- 6: National Standard Poodle Day.
Jan. 13: Dress up your pet day
- 19: National Conservation Dog Day.
- 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day.
- 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day.
- 24: Peanut Butter Day. Dedicated to all the yummy peanut butter treats for dogs.
- 29: Seeing Eye Dog Anniversary
- 29: Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day.
Have a safe January everyone
With a woof and love from Nili