Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Sweet Collette #Zoolatrychallenge

 Hello Friends,

Today it’s the Mom who writes.

I have been so fortunate to have had so many fur loves during my life.  Unfortunately, most are angels now.

One of my special angels was Collette.  She bonded with me and stayed by my side all through her life. Fiercely loyal, protective, and woes to the dog that came near me.  She exasperated me but in the end, she had my heart — totally.  This is one of my favorite pictures and I know that though I cannot physically see her, she’s with me, in my heart until we meet again!

Thank you for stopping by and hope your week is a great one!

Onyx will stop by next week with his post.  

Hugs n Purrs 

Tessie, Peekaboo, Onyx, and Pumbita 🐈‍⬛

😻😻Thank you Ann and June for letting us participate in your ZOOLATRY CHALLENGE 😻😻

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Hello Everyone from All Time Zones!

We are trying our first blog hop and forgive us if we miss something. 

Just in case we haven’t met yet, I am Peekaboo, and I write wonderful blogs that come to my mind but never get written down.


I am so thankful to have for furriends Miss Ann and sweet June from Zoolatry. They have helped us to get our blog moving and thank them for it. 

Hope everyone will have a wonderful weekend and hope to see you soon!

Until next time,

Oh! I almost forgot, this blog hop is hosted by:

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Peekaboo Loves Everyone! #Zoolatrychallenge

 Happy February 1!!

We are joining Zoolatry blog’s Wednesday challenge with Ann and June!


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Blog4Peace 2022

Hello dear Pals in all Time Zones!

We haven’t posted lately and our regrets, but we did want to pop in and remind you BLOG4PEACE starts tomorrow. Won’t you join Mimi and Blog4Peace?  If you cannot write a few words, that’s okay.  Everyone is so busy, just let your beautiful hearts radiate your love and pray for peace for this beautiful planet.

Here are some links June and Ann over at Zoolatry provided in case you’d like to grab a badge, or read about it.

Onyx and I will stop our fighting and sit silently together for a few minutes each day and pray for peace.

Thank you!

With peace and love 💕 

Peek.a.Boo and Onyx

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Collette Earns Her Halo & Angel Wings



My sweet and loyal companion earned her halo and angel wings yesterday, July 25, 2022.  I'm too crushed to write about her at the present time.  

Monday, January 10, 2022

Secret Paws 2021 Final Recap

 Hello pals in all time zones,

We had a very generous Secret Paws and are so grateful.  It took mom forever and a day to take photos and then do a final recap.

Thank you to our Secret Paws The Four-Legged Furballs and their Mom and Grandma.  They made our holiday so special!

We had so many photos so we compiled a few from each of us.

Onyx - This was his first year and he couldn’t believe all the goodies in the box.  I let him keep the toys and I kept the best!

Collette even received a gift!  She’s 14 years old and has something called Cushings Disease and always wants to be by Moms side.  In the meantime, there’s a new puppy in the household full of life and wants to play all day long.  He belongs to my uncle and ended stealing Collette’s toy. 
So that’s about it (a lot of photos that were too many to publish here).

Hope everyone is well.

Be kind to everyone,

~XO Peekaboo 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy New Year!

 I sure hope everyone had a safe New Year’s Eve.  In our corner of the world…zooming in to our home, we spent the evening with Mom.  Dosed off until a firecracker woke me.  Most annoying, the cacophony of car alarms were distressing to feline and human ears alike.

We had to wait until yesterday to open our Secret Santa Paws box.  Pals, Onyx and I were blessed with our Secret Santa.  As I mentioned before, this is Onyx’s year of firsts and top of the list has been participating in Secret Santa Paws exchange. When Mom opened the box, that boy just didn’t know what to rip apart first.  I wasn’t feeling well, so I let him enjoy the smelling, ripping, biting to his little heart’s content.  And we still haven’t made a dent in opening our gifts.

Here are a couple of pictures, 

We’d like to thank Four-Legged Furballs and their Mom and Grandma who selected our gifts and even made some of the gifts for us! 

Here I am right now in my new bed with matching blankie and pillow. Isn’t it beautiful?  And just in time as we’re going to have cooler weather tonight.  In case you’re wondering, I have the ability to snooze and dictate to Mom what I’d like to say.  

Well, friends, that’s it for now, but we’ll be sure to post a better photographic version all of the gifts.  

Please remember to be kind always, as difficult as it is sometimes, you never know the problems someone may have.

~ XOXO from Onyx and Peekaboo 

(Our correspondent, our Mom)