Monday, 23 January 2023

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #57 Throwback Purrsday with Me & Parsley in Mini Digger Time

 Brain Training with Professor Basil @BionicBasil®

Happy Monday guys

And welcome to another fab Brain Training sesh on the blog today, and this week I'm sharing a throwback with me and Parsley from way back in March 2017, when we were landscaping the garden and let me tell mew, there's nothing better than a bit of DIGGER TIME! MOL

Basil and Parsley Landscaping The Garden at BBHQ @BionicBasil® Brain Training with Cats #57

Epically epic!

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking.

Here's the answer key to last times puzzle. How did mew do? 

answerkey sudoku puzzle #25 @BionicBasil®

Are mew ready for this weeks puzzle?

Just right-click to save the puzzle to your 'puter or print it off. 

The answer key will be on next weeks post.

And here's this week's jigsaw puzzle, featuring Melvyn from our Sunday Selfies post.

Melvyn and The Furry Carrot @BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took me 8 mins 11 secs...  How did you do?

A quick reminder before we go... 

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Epic purrs

Professor Basil 

Find Basil & The B Team on Instacat

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search created with paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence & &


  1. When there was a 'bobcat' in our yard in 2021, we were not allowed to get near it, let alone play in it. You cats were lucky!

  2. When we have had a digger here Eric loved to sit and sleep in it. As soon as it was started up he was gone and wouldn't come anywhere near it. That is a lovely picture of Melvyn.

  3. Oh my gosh! You two dug the garden? WHAT manly mancatness!

  4. You look splendid in the digger we love the photo of you Melvyn ..... fabulous.xx😻💗🐾

  5. Brain training is so important.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. ♥

  6. Now that was some fancy litter box scoop!

  7. Wowzers! After an "incident" a couple of years ago, we are not allowed near large equipment! You guys are lucky! And we love the art! When we get a chance, we shall be back to do the puzzle! Keep being awesome guys! Purrs Marv

  8. guyz. stoppin bye two say HI and hope yur mew yeerz ben grate sew far. stay IN trubullz 🐟‼️❤️


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