Sunday, January 22, 2023

Awww Spark Monday

 We had an AWESOME Chinese supper last night. Mom made us steamed chicken bits with rice and shredded spinach. We wanted it BEFORE they ate, but we had to wait.

Mom and Alex had homemade Pho soup with shredded chicken, rice noodles, peas, and spinach. They had lime wedges, but Mom found this terrific lime infused vinegar and it took the soup to new heights. She also made stir fried chicken breast with asparagus, water chestnuts, onions and peas (Mom could not get pea pods). She made a terrific sauce using gluten free hosin sauce, fish sauce, grated ginger, garlic, and horseradish. Alex said it was super tasty. We thought ours was too and we ate a lot too. Especially Jo Jo. Alex got a terrific shot of Jo Jo sleeping it off on the sofa.

Mom thought she looked like a Putti (those little angels that look like Cupid)...and that she would make a terrific Spark in preparation for Valentines Day! 

So our AWESOME this week is also our SPARK!

McGuffy’s who was hosting the Sparks is on hiatus,  We are going to keeps posting them anyway!  She says “I truly do believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. There is hope. Together, we can light up the entire world!”

Sparks Badge

Now we are pawticipating in AWWW Monday at Comedy Plus! Sandee has the best hops and we can't wait to see all the other AWWWs at AWWW Monday central. Click on the button to be magically whisked to Comedy Plus




  1. your mom is right... like a putti ;O)

  2. The meal sounds delicious! JoJo makes a very good Cupid.

  3. Sounds like your mom has the culinary bug going. Enjoy all the delicious dishes!

    1. Sigh...Sometimes Mom forgets this is NOT her food blog and goes all foodie on us.

  4. Your meal sounds delicious and JoJo sure looks happy! Love the spark and JoJo as cupid!

  5. Wow, someone(s) there sure are five star chefs. Now, with much embarrassment we go back to yesterdays post to comment (and explain why we did not comment yesterday ...). Oh, JoJo you sure look full-bellied content!

  6. Princess Jo Jo, your Chinese dinner must have been delightful. There you are letting your mom take a photo of your full belly with your eyes closed. I bet you're still dreaming of that wonderful plate of food. And I can certainly see you being a cupid angel. Just don't fly too far from home are you won't get another meal like that.

  7. That sounded delicious dude! Wishing mew a furbulous week!

  8. Hari OM
    Crikey - even as a vegetarian, the sound of that food prep had my tummy rumbling. (Though that may be do with the fact I haven't had lunch yet!) And JoJo is the pawfect heart angel! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. putti is a new word to me and you do look like a sweet cherub! yum yum on your dinner, both cat and people. what you cats had is what I fix for my IBS self... can't eat the other things humans had

  10. That shot of JoJo is really lovely! And that Chinese meal sounds yummy!

    The Chans

  11. That dinner sounds like it was super tasty. We love JoJo as an angel.

  12. Of course you look like an angel, because you are one!

  13. Charlee: "Jo Jo! Such a fluffy belly! Our Dada wants to snorgle it!"

  14. That dinner sounds delicious! I'd almost rather stick pins in my eyes than cook or do any food prep, so I envy those who enjoy it and who are good at it!

    I want to snorgle Jo Jo's tummy too!

    Kim and her angels

  15. Are there some leftovers? If so I'm coming over to have some. Sounds delicious.

    Mom is always right. Always.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to your smart mom. ♥

  16. Looks like JoJo had her fill all right

  17. Any leftovers? We will be right over to help you use them up:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. There are never any leftovers at our house. Anything left over goes int Alex's work lunch. However Mom did put some of our Chinese Dinner in the fridge and she shared it among us all at supper time today.

  18. We had a kitty once who loved Chinese chicken, twas her favorite.

  19. It sounds like a wonderful Chinese New Year celebration for the whole family. Great Spark, happy Monday!

  20. OMC!!! We all need to hire your Mom!! LL!

    JoJo, you sure were comfy and relaxed with your full belly! Now wonder you look so are dreaming of more yumminess!

  21. I do like spinach, and I like most greens.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  22. Sounds like you all celebrated the Chinese New Year in style!

  23. I did so love this Spark!! Now I want some Chinese food.
    Hugs. I sent Mom an email however I wasn't sure it went to the correct email so I'm pasting it below

    Kit asked me to send you *this to you. You might temper her from her early blog Dog Daze her 3 labs Buddy, (black) and Sassy and Zack. Both yellow labs. She signed her comments Lab Lady

    *“Pls tell Mom of Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, & Cinnamon that I love her blog and learned how to make gifs from Live Photos! 😉”

    Hugs Cecilia

  24. guyz…hope everee onez doin grate N yur mew yeerz been awesum sew far and yur stayin IN trubullz ‼️❤️🐟

  25. Jo Jo, you make a purrfect Putti! That dinner sounds wonderfully yummy.

  26. Sweet kitty photos and yummy Chinese food ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. We are soooo hungry after reading about all the tasty foods you ate. You must be very good cooks. Sounds like a good idea to make us some chick-hen with a little rice. Usually we jus get it plain. Haf a grrreat week!

  28. Oh, wowzers! The meal Mom Barb cooked sounds delicious for sure! And by the looks of it, Jo Jo had her fill. e love how Mom Barb used it to create the image for that great spark. XO


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!