Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art

 This week the flashback comes from 2009 and is called:

Evening Strolls.

Eric: While the weather is hotter, it is too hot to walk far during the day so mum takes us out later in the evening when it is nice and cool.The smells all seem stronger and more interesting then too.

Flynn: It is nice to just sit and enjoy the cool freshness.

Eric: The water in the horse troughs tastes better too.

Flynn: Yup, we enjoy going out when it is nearly dark. It is a mancatly thing to do.

I am joining Athena The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Floating at 45% to lighten the picture, Then Flow at 30%

For Flynn's art I used Shattered at 40% then also used Flow at 40%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 21.01.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 21.01.23
I am also joining the blog hop at MessyMimi's Meanderings.


  1. I'll bet they did enjoy the night smells. The art is sure pretty, such sweet boys.

  2. Gee! That would be neat to go out in the dark
    Mum is a bit nervous of letting me out in the dark
    because of my black furs! Darn!
    Maybe if she gets a better light...

    Purrs, Julie

  3. We like evenings, too. If i let Tripod SissyCat out at that time we have to stay with her as there are coyotes in the area.

  4. Cute flashback. I love your art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  5. What a nice flashback they always LQQKED so cute and contented, love the art too :-)

    Have an artistictastic weekend 👍

  6. I wonder if there were more bugs and critters for them to sniff and hunt? Seems like the evening is when 'activity ' starts up.
    They sure were enjoying themselves.

  7. we love te nights after a hot summer day... like in the stage plays of mr. shakespeare... efurrything can happen

  8. what fun you felines has every moment of your days!!
    During the summer the night is super duper cool for a stroll
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Evenings (and very early in the mornings) definitely is the best time to be out and about exploring! You boys had so much fun, so many wonderful adventures. ♥

  10. Epic night-time excursions dudes, and we love today's arty effects, they'd make gorgeous cards! Happy weekend!

  11. I, Precious, spend lots of night hours looking out in the dark. Lynn keeps a rubber "deer trough" going when it isn't freezing. I wonder if I'l like a drink of deer water? Fur now, she's keeping a bucket fur the birdies in the bath tub so I drink it. Then she has instant water fur replacing ice.

  12. Taking a stroll in a summers eve is wonderful!

  13. Adorable photos of the sweet kitties ~ fond memories ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. As always, your artwork is beautiful. We love to be out at night during any season of the year. But Mom doesn't let us stay out very long because of all the coyotes in the area. We have never seen them near our house at night but we can hear them, and mom sees lots of reports about them not being too far from us.

    Have a great weekend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Evenings are always nice to be outside when the weather is good.

  16. Oh Angel be where it's hot!
    Winter cannot end too soon for me.
    Lovely art, and I'm off to puzzle...thanks.

  17. Smells DO seem stronger at night, at least in the summer, don't they? Maybe the heat of the day suppresses them. Evening walks are very pleasant in the warm months. I'm glad the boys enjoyed them.

  18. "Mancatly" Love the cat art and thanks for the puzzles. I had planned on just starting one of them, but I finished it. I'll do the other one later. Have a great weekend. :-)

  19. Mummy thinks there are scary things out at night, like wild dogs and jackals. We can hear them sometimes. But the truth is, We are indoor kitties. We don't go out during the day either. We are sorry about that when We see the boys having such fun in the Great Outdoors.

  20. It is fun to be out in the dark as there are new animals to see if you are lucky

  21. Would love to have accompanied you both on a mancat evening stroll. Mom's catwork is very nice. Hope Mom and Dad are both doing well. Until next time...Jean

  22. I didn't know that going out when it is almost dark is a mancatly thing to do. Learn something new every day...!

  23. We bet there were different things to see and smell in those early evenings. What a great memory of your boys. XO

  24. I sure remember the boys patrols and you are right, it sure was the manly thing to do! xoxo

  25. doodz…sneekin round in de day time iz aye oh kay but sneekin round at dark o clock iz way lotz better…mane lee
    coz bass turd burdz iz off snoozin sum wear ‼️‼️❤️❤️🐟🐟

  26. Awww! As soon as you said smells get stronger at night, it brought me right back to Summer and the intense night smell. Nothing like it. :-) xo

  27. Yeah, in the cool and calm of the evcening, all smells settle to the ground!

  28. And you boys are THE Most mancatly of all the mancats I know!


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