Friday, January 13, 2023

Clariol Nice 'n Easy

 "Oooooh Noooo! My grey onesie is ruined.  I'm too young.

Get the tweezers fur your browsy things and use 'em on me."

Poor Precious, I just informed her that she has a few
white furs growing midst her grey coat.
The oddest one is actually in her ear, of all places.
And it is about 1/2 inch longer than normal grey ones.
I think it is also tickling her and she tries to scratch
her ear often.
 This is the same ear one and a half years ago that
I took her to the Vet to see if she had skin cancer.
It is the ear with the old age spot! How fitting.

"I'll tell you what is fitting, Lynn. That you got your
white hairs long before me!  Take that to the bank!"

On the weather note, after the nasty Siberian weather bomb
raced through and left we have had warmer weather and rain
days at a time.  New Years weekend was wet for days,
and this week it has been our usual dark days, but over freezing.

Tonight it is to end again, and we are expecting snow back.
I doubt it warms over freezing again for the rest of winter.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

We're just having our first day of sunshine in six...
Though rain and floods up in the Midlands and
the North...! :(.

I should'nt worry about the odd grey hair Precious..
My head is covered in them...a mix of black and
white of course, produces the 'grey' effect...
Though at the moment my hair is 'pink'...I dyed
it just before's washing out very slowly
now though...! :).
🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰🐇 🐰

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your furs always look wonderful sweet Precious. I hope you have much better weather super soon and that you enjoy a fun weekend!

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious! You don't look more than a couple of days over kitten! Jo Jo says she will come over and clean your ears (she does Kozmo's) and will get rid of that white hair for you! It has been raining here but we too are supposed to go into colder weather next week and the snow will be back. Stay warm dear furrends! And Keep being AWESOME! Purrs Marv

Kathe W. said...

Awwww Gray hairs signify wisdom- sweet face!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no, not the dreaded white furs! I have some too except mine are grey. If you had grey ones no-one would see them.

pilch92 said...

Don't worry, you are still beautiful. Xo

Julie said...

Look at your sweet little concerned face there Precious. Don't worry your dear little head - we all get those nasty white hairs eventually. Some of us (ME included!) cover ours up with natural dyes for awhile 😉 But I don't think you want Lynn dying your furs. Blackie has one long white eyebrow that sticks out way above the rest - we call it his radar! Keep warm & cosy Precious & Lynn xx

messymimi said...

I keep my gray hairs, i earned them from my husband, kids and cats.

Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You'll always be a beauty! The weather sure has been gray and yucky.

John Bellen said...

Oh my goodness. You ARE too young for white furs. But, it happens to us all. At least you don't lose all your hair, like some humans...

The Florida Furkids said...

You look as fabulous as ever!! We're having cold weather right now (at least for us!)

The J-Cats said...

We didn't notice any white hairs, Precious! Mummy has some, but She covers them up with hair dye. We think you look as young and beautiful as effur!

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

I got a grey cat when I was littel

Smudge said...

Oh Precious, Cleo's mom used to try to pluck out all my whites many many moons ago, but I've convinced her to just let them go, especially since I really don't care how they look. Oh, and some of mine sprout from my ears as well. Happy 10th, by the way. I've missed a lot around here, I see. You both stay warm & safe!

Lynn and Precious said...

I'd cry Meow-ouch if she plucked 'em. Glad you visited.

Katie Isabella said...

Precious! Your onesie is NOT ruined. Just know those are ACCENT furs! Not gray furs. Perish that thought! They are there as decoration and make you more stunning.....fur jewelry as it were. Think nothing about it. And the one in your ear...that's a kitty earring. Decoration as well.

Katie Isabella said...

pee ess: We have cold colds, and rain almost constantly too.

Kea said...

Lynn and Precious, thank you so much for your kind words of condolence on Derry's passing. It's a hard thing to wrap my head and heart around; he truly was everything to me for the past few years. I know you understand the pain of losing a fur baby. I also know Precious isn't a cuddler, but if/when she lets you, give her a scritch from me. ♥

Lynn and Precious said...

I will. And I'll be thinking of Derry when I do.

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....