Friendly Fill-Ins Week 346


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. A recent earworm I had was _________________.
2. I have no interest in reading ___________________.
3. I would give _________ in exchange for _________.
4. _________ is my favorite scent.
My answers:
1. A recent earworm I had was Elton John’s Benny and the Jets. That is because we all sing that to the baby.
2. I have no interest in reading the book by Prince Harry. It annoys me that it gets so much media attention.
3. I would give years of my life in exchange for more years for each of my cats.
4, Amazing Grace by Philosophy brand is my favorite scent. It is one of the few things that doesn’t give me a headache.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from January 2016 right before Angel Stinky left for The Rainbow Bridge.

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  1. Angel Stinky sure looked contented there. (When our Minko came into our home he was very stinky,/dirty and we were calling him Stinky Minky…almost he could have been another Stinky! LOL!)

    1. A recent earworm I had was many of the hymns we were singing at church..
    2. I have no interest in reading a lot of books that are ‘the thing’ in the eyes of many, including as you say that new one by Harry. what a lot of gossip and ill towards his own family..
    3. I would give my current dwelling in exchange for a smaller but newer and less likely to need constant maintenance house.
    4.Freshly brewing coffee is my favorite scent. LOL! (I am allergic to most perfumes and air fresheners and some cleaning products with artificial scents. Headaches and asthma…)

  2. Great fill ins. I’m not interested in the Prince Harry book either. Too much hype for me. Cute picture of Angel Stinky. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Linky Tools wouldn’t work for us to link up with you this morning but we’ll keep trying!! I agree with you about Harry’s book – no thanks. I haven’t worn perfume since I had chemo some years ago – for some reason I haven’t been able to tolerate perfume since then (that was over 15 years ago!!!). Thanks for hosting the Hop – we hope to be able to add our link later!

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy)

  4. Benny and the Jets was always one of my favourite Elton songs. Now I have that earworm too, but I don’t mind. I agree about Harry and Meghan. I have heard more than enough about them.

  5. Eureka! I was able to add our link – love your fill-ins…..I wouldn’t read Harry’s book if it was the last reading material available in the universe. 🙂 We still can’t see our comments when we make one here but hope YOU can see them!!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  6. 1. “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”. Oh does it ever stick to my brain!!
    2. I have no interest in reading political views and I won’t write any of mine either.
    3. I would give half my kingdom and a plate of by- the- book- made chocolate chip cookies for a day without back pain.
    4. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle is my favorite scent followed by fried potatoes and onions.

  7. Well Well Well Ellen lookie here who is hear. Or at least I hope my comment publishes.
    I 100% agree with #2 fill in. I think it is really very tacky and immature to of him.
    Hey Angel Stinky
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Aww! at Angel Stinky heheh! 🙂

    I liked your fill ins I am with you on #2 in fact I have no interest in the royals at all zeeerooo lol

    Have a regallesstastic week 👍

  9. Angel Stinky you look marvellous💗Great fill-inns, especially the third answer. Granny’s favourite scent depends on her mood, today it’s rose, tomorrow vanilla but always cinnamon, at least until now😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  10. I like Elton John’s Benny and the Jets too and I also like Rocket Man, which gets stuck in my head all day. I’m tired of all the hoopla about Prince Harry, as well. I would give anything for all cats and dogs to have a forever loving home. Fresh baked bread and freshly brewed coffee are my favorite scents.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I don’t like to read any fiction, I save that for tv shows. XO

  11. Poor Harry; what a magnificent mess it all is!
    However, I believe him when he says that his wife was treated badly while in England, and by the royal house.
    However, I think Harry should write detective novels, with himself as the gumshoe!

  12. Yes, I agree… just NO to anymore Harry… ugh.
    Aww, Stinky… adorable.
    My Fill-Ins minus one~
    1. A recent earworm I had was We Three Kings, Mel Torme singing in my head.
    2. I have no interest in reading the news.
    3. I would give _________ in exchange for _________. I just don’t have a fill-in for this, sorry.
    4. Horse barns are my favorite scent.
    Enjoy your weekend, Ellen and Meowing Crew!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 That is a good one to have in your head. I try to avoid the news, but it is hard because my hubby watches it. XO

  13. I probably wouldn’t want to read Harry’s book either, even though I do like memoirs and bios. I don’t care anything for the so called royals.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! <3

  14. Darling photo. I love your answer to #3. Only true animals lovers understand.

  15. OH, that adorable Stinky. And aptly named in a line about perfumes…Mama’s looking up Amazing Grace. BEAUTIFUL name for a perfume. And we send love and hugs to Emmy…

  16. Benny and the Jets as an earworm just made me smile. I think everyone has a great time when it’s sung with a group. I can imagine the baby’s joy of hearing everyone singing it lovingly to him/her. What a lovely image!


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