Monday, January 9, 2023

Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 1 20 2023


Softly blows the breeze
that whispers through the trees
As snowflakes fall,
each unique shape circles around
and eventually make it to the ground
As one by one they pile atop another

As the whisper turns to a GROWL
the snowflakes dance and swirl
painting the trees and landscape a lucious white 
as fast and furious as a painter's brush
using the world as his canvas ~ and he names it
by Peabea
(c)opyright Patricia B. 9/8/13

This I don't want for this Winter. That is why I have turned "LET IT SNOW" into "LET IT NOT!" 

After all the week of snow, we now have mild weather. Hoping that can stay until Spring. Mother Nature needs to make up her mind. 

Prayers for all that are in the flooding on the West Coast. My son and family are in California, but he says not really where they live. Also, the grandson is North of California, and he says they're not having lots of rain. So sad.

On another note, hope so far 2023 is treating you well. I am such a pessimistic person and I have turned that into my norm. I had to laugh because last week, I decided I need to not be that. Be thankful for each day as it comes, and stop the worrying. Well, I was driving in my car when I thought that, I even said it out loud t myself. And when I got home, I asked the grandson to put softener salt in for me in the garage basement. He started to then came out and said Grandma, I think you have a problem. Basement was flooded, and sump pump was shot. Still staying positive, but upset no one could come fix it. Well, then the neighbor next door (I live beside a business), saw me pumping out the basement and called to see what was the matter. He and three guys (I call them Earth angels) came over and put in the new pump I had bought, and they also put in my softener salt. I was blessed.

Also, the pump was less than a year old so I called the manufacturer. They gave refernece number to take to store where I bought it. The store then proceeded to tell me I would have to take store credit. I was hoping they would credit the new pump I had bought. The two guys helping me, after some discussion, ended up giving me full refund for the broken pump, and applied it to the one I had bought.
So two more angels on Earth. I asked could I hug them, and I did. Stores don't realize that when returning a faulty product, I don't need money to spend more at their store. After all said and done, I did give the store a good review. 😊

Okay, that's my saga for the first week of the New Year. lol

Link up is open if you'd like to share your photography, graphics, and/or crafts. It will be open until Saturday evening. Thanks all who stop by. I appreciate you.

Also, I have a question....I'm thinking of going back to Wordpress with this link up and wonder if you've done link ups there before. The only drawback is that I don't like that the link ups are on a separate page, and not in view without switching to the link. I'm trying to find out how to work around that if anyone knows. Any thoughts? Would you be willing to link up there. Thanks. Have a great week.

~hugs 'n scribbles~

Some blogs I visit:


  1. Oh my Peabea you've had quite a year already! I'm glad it all worked out well, people can be kind and helpful after all. I think I have done link ups on Wordpress ; I haven't learned how link ups work anywhere but I participate in any that accept my niche.

  2. I am glad that you could fix everything with the support of nice and friendly people. It is a blessing to receive kind help though the things happened can be a negative experience.
    The photo shared is beautiful too...
    Have a great week!

  3. I liked your poem! Good Samaritans are always nice to have. I've never tried Wordpress.

  4. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a safe winter

  5. Such a beautiful poem. I am right in the middle of the mess in California. So far we have been lucky where I live and work in the heart of the Bay Area. We had a little flooding on the streets but not much and haven't loss power yet. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  6. We live in California and there is flooding all around, but we're on higher ground.

    I hope your year is the best ever.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  7. Haha, how about melting snow? If you discover how to link pics like this on wordpress, please let me know - I really want to start up a meme/challenge again, but I am technically very slow to understand. Also, I haven't seen any pic link ups at wordpress. I have seen many pingbacks and perma links, which is no fun to me. I like to see the pics:):)

  8. Such a lovely poem! I like seeing photos of snow but it doesn't snow here very often.


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)