January 10, 2023

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle paced back and forth in front of the Teleportation Tunnel.  She hoped Stinky wouldn't have any issues with the tunnel.  She still laughed when she thought of the problem she had last week when his little brofur Raleigh was in the tunnel.

Suddenly, she heard the familiar WOOSH, and out popped Stinky!  The two hugged, whisker kissed, and giggled as they spent time catching up on the previous week.  Stinky asked Periwinkle how her brofur Raz was doing and she said he was still taking the anti-nausea medicine and the appetite stimulant and was doing okay.  Of course, they were all still very concerned and couldn't wait for him to have his ultrasound to ensure nothing bad was going on.

"I know it's been colder here lately, are we going to see the manatees today," asked Stinky.  Periwinkle said her Mom checked it out and there were not currently there.  She showed him photos her Mom took...

"I have something different planned...we're actually going somewhere today," said Periwinkle.  She took his paw and they popped back into the Teleportation Tunnel.  When they arrived at their destination, Stinky agreed that Periwinkle picked a good place for their Adventure!

"The American Museum of the House Cat is dedicated to Cat Lovers everywhere. It is an Art Gallery that traces the History of the House Cat in America. The museum is a private collection of multi-media art relating to House Cat that tells the story encompassing fine art, folk art, art in advertising, 3D art as well as collectibles and antiques" said Periwinkle. They held paws and entered the museum.

"Wow, look at all these collectibles," said Stinky. Periwinkle pointed out the sign that said "DO NOT climb the fence or sit on the animals" which made Stinky blush since he knew he sometimes got into trouble doing things like that.

Both agreed their Moms would love to see all the kittie things in the cases....

The Spaghetti Glass collection was super interesting...

They both agreed the statue of Bast was amazing...

and they enjoyed looking at the various other items...

The Carousel Cats were super nice...

 Of course, Stinky couldn't resist!

They also saw a cat-faced car....

and a large metal cat!
Once again, Stinky had to hop on the metal cat...
Periwinkle told Stinky more about the Museum...."Curated by Harold Simms, the well-respected founder of Catman2 rescue in Sylva, NC, The American Museum of the House Cat is only one of 2 museums in the United States dedicated to the domesticated feline. Originating with Simms’ personal collection of cat art and items, the museum is now open to the public with all proceeds going to cat rescue.

When you first enter, you’re almost overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of feline objects, estimated to be over 10,000 in number. Of course, there are obligatory cat figurines, stuffed toy cats, and every possible signage featuring a cat. But once you acclimate and begin to really study the displays and curio cases, incredible things start to pop out at you.

There is a weirdly wonderful paper mâché mashup of an octopus with a kitty head, a tiny cat orchestra performing in a mini concert hall – complete with a band director and photographer, a kitty carousel, cat masks, kitty beer steins, and cat clocks galore.

There are also some exhibits that you probably won’t ever see anywhere else. Unbelievably, there is the Medieval petrified cat on display and a 300-30 B.C. Egyptian cat mummy encased in glass."   Stinky was impurressed with her knowledge.

Before they left to go back to Periwinkle's house, they visited with some of the cats who live at the museum.

After a quick trip in the Teleportation Tunnel, they arrived back at Periwinkle's house.  They enjoyed a snack with her fursibs and watched a video about the museum.

They spent some time whisker kissing, paw patting, and snuggling until it was time for Stinky to head home.  "I sure had a lot of fun today," said Stinky.   Periwinkle said she did too and would keep watching for the manatees so they could go visit them sometime soon.

With a WOOSH and a whisker kiss, Stinky headed home.  Periwinkle went to find a sun puddle and dream of her handsome boyfriend.


Lynn and Precious said...

That is just the most amazing Museum. Us Kitty's deserve a museum of her own. Lynn rode On a Carousel cat last summer. We have a beautiful carousel not too many miles away from where we live. I'm so glad they had live kitties that look like they are so well taken care of. Sending good wishes and lots of prayers to Raz.

Sandee said...

What a fun adventure. I would have loved to have tagged along.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and a hug to your moms. ♥

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Oh, wow! I've never heard of The American Museum of the House Cat before!

Kitties Blue said...

Mom cannot believe she had never heard of this place. Dad thinks she could start her own museum, but she could never compete with this! The carousel cats and the spaghetti cats were incredible...two things we've definitely never seen before. We are happy Stinky mostly behaved himself. What a fabulous adventure! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh with love and paw hugs to Noelle from Sawyer and POTP and purrs from all of us for Raz.

My Mind's Eye said...

Periwinkle Stinky is a keeper OMCs the places he takes you
the spaghetti glass was very interesting.
Hugs cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

That was fun! I loved reading it. (well, mommy read it to me) Every word. We both enjoyed the pictures too, Mom just sent the blog URL to my brother who lives in NC to see if Sylva is far away from him in Charlotte. If not, maybe he can take Mom.

Pam and Teddy said...

Had NO IDEA there was a museum dedicated to US! My Mom would go nuts there - so many absolutely adorable things to see......now that was a totally fun place to visit. FUN!!!!

Hugs, Teddy

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, I didn't know such a place existed either, that is one fun place!

pilch92 said...

Very cool. I would love to go there. I am praying for Raz. XO

messymimi said...

That place looks like fabulous fun! I'm glad you got to go.

meowmeowmans said...

We wish we could visit that museum! The subject matter is our fave! :)

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, wow! Now I have another place to add to my bucket list!! I also covet that little meezer...sigh...