March 25, 2025

Oh, My Goodness, What a Treasure

 ðŸ’—This baby looks so sweet and just so perfect, who could not love her to the ends of the earth?💗

I would tell that baby every single day!  

March 21, 2025

Picking my Puddle.

 Kitties, I am in  all but one room throughout the day as I rotate from one sunpuddle to the next!  I hope I can get Kat to come over...maybe bring Rocky and Cali and we'll all enjoy stretching out and doing our yoga in ur favorite sunpuddle.  We'll vote on it.   Mom is going thither and yon these past several weeks. I hope that calms down very soon.  

A very rapidly yapping dog next door..and Mom nor I  have ever heard one bark that rapidly...woke us both up at 5,  I hope that it doesn't get to be a habit.  People with dogs like that don't care~ and asking for a break never accomplishes anything.  So, here we go I guess.  

Sunny day out there, but quite chilly.  I am soaking sun up by the hour.  

March 16, 2025

Oh MY!

 Katie and I spent some time in our small bathroom last night.  There was a tornado in town.  Mom and I were watching the weatherman on TV for half an hour or so until it was 11 minutes away.  The sound was really loud when it did get to town...and according to the weatherman, it was headed for the main street.  For us, we had 2 1/2 inches of rain in about 20 minutes.  The winds were, of course, the scariest part, and the hail was quarter-sized this time.  Another tornado,  probably about 12 years ago gave us baseball-sized hail.  Mom picked up a couple of those and saved them in the freezer for several years. Haven't yet heard of damage in town. 

Mom said I need to quit dictating and allow her to go get ready for my brushies and meds.  Guess I will!  Humph! 

March 11, 2025

Sunny Day...(I created an ear worm for myself there!)

 Beautiful day.  Mom took me to the v-e-t to get my clars cutted and my ears swabbed out.  She would rather I be mad at the v-e-t than her regarding the ear cleaning.  Mom is giving me a 1-day break on methimazole, and tomorrow we start again.  I am lying in a sunpuddle in the livingroom, dreaming these words to mom.  Mom and I are totally bonded so she "hears" me.  

Taken about five minutes ago.  

This morning was a struggle for a minute.  I was already mostly in the PTU...Mom pushed me farther in and I rebelled and squirted back out.  Mom caught me and put me in again.  I squirted out again...caught, wrassled with her, and in again.  Under protest.  I never struggle till today.  This is a first in all my life.  I think she surprised me at a bad time.  But I'm home...had some grilled tuna (FF) and off to this very sunpuddle. 18$ per each for ear cleaning and the clars cutted.   The place I used to go to charged 25 $ for claws snipped and their usual astronomical charges for everything else.  I complained to you about it last year when I was going there (until April.) 

I look shiny and satiny 'cause mom gives me 15 + minutes of brushies every day.

See you soon, efurrybuddy.  We have a heckuva busy week.  XO

March 6, 2025

Today is a Good day

 Kitties!  EVERY day is a good day!  

We had a skiff of snow unexpectedly, in the night.  Just barely covered a few feet across on the deck. 

Someone gave this to Mom.  Think it will work? 

I'm in the just-moved-over computer chair, and Mom perches on the stool.  She tried to take a sleeping picture and I immediately rose! 

Colder'n whodunnit though.  The sky was what humans call "leaden" when we looked out.  But sun finally got here an hour ago!  YEA! 

This was several years ago when I weighed 15 pounds.  

XXOO to you each and all. 

March 4, 2025

Good Grief!

 Kitties!  For pity's sake.  I wouldn't eat till late afternoon yesterday, and after wasting three cans again!! of food, mom popped a senior FF Tuna with extra gravy.  I tore into it as I was terribly hungry. ...I waited an appropriate 10 minutes and threw up in my 18-egg-sized favorite paper egg carton.  Kitties, I ruined it after three years!  Mom had to threw it away.  It had my FF but it had the collection of waters I had been drinking.  Mom would have to take a loan to get one of that size.  We asked my Client if he and his mom can give us their 12 egg carton. 

I wish I had hit the carpet instead as I was on it, but against my better judgement, I heaved to in my big 3-year-old carton. Oh woe.  

Maybe I can have some of mom's supper?  

March 2, 2025

Sunpuddle kinda Day

Kitties, here I am at my favorite egg carton.   You can see me in the video there with my egg carton.  Mom puts kibble in here and I reach in to get it.  Sometimes I will hover my head over it and snatch it out that way.  

If you add the volume you can hear me going to town eating!  This was me last evening.  And I dragged the carton down the hall in the night to get it re-filled.  Mom would not get up!!

Here's my video.  Hope you like that old meme about cardboard boxes.