Monday, December 26, 2022

Pictorial Potpourri Tuesday Link Up 12 27 2022

 Wow, we have come to the end so this is the last one for 2022. Seems like it flew by. My post is a remake of one that I did Christmas 2015. The Christmas Eggs


Christmas Eggs

Reposting from 2015 - a Christmas craft to make.

One Christmas around 1974 when bored and not many Christmas ornaments for our tree, I decided to make a diorama out of eggs. Using manicure scissors, I cut the front out of the egg, cleaned out the inside and rinsed it out and let it dry maybe a few hours or even overnight. I then glued any decorations I could find i.e. this one is a Santa cut out of a Christmas card, and then I added cotton so that it looked like a snow scene. I glued yarn around the opening to hide any jagged edge and then glued string to the top for adding an oranment hanger. This Santa egg is one of the first ones I made that year. Every year, I just pack it away with the other tree ornaments. I actually haven't even been that careful with it. That first year, I even made some, dated them and gave them as gifts.

I would love to be an artist because I think a talented person could really decorate the insides wonderfully. This craft would even be fun to do to make an Easter decorated tree.

Below are pictures of some of the eggs I made that year. I added pictures of them hanging on my tree.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy this craft and drop me a comment or add a picture to your comment if you decide to try this and let me know how it turns out.





Since then, I have seen that other people make these eggs or buy them decorated to hang or display.

This year my eggs are 48 years old so who would have thought egg shells are that tough. :) They still adorn my tree this year. 

Hope all survived the terrible storms that hit the U.S. this Christmas. My daughter and SIL arrived home from their cruise just in time to be snowed in plus they came home with Covid. So, with the weather and their being sick, our Christmas was cancelled. My son lives about 50 minutes away with country roads so told them not to chance it. I was lucky, thank God, because my electric stayed on the whole time. I feel so bad for those on the East Coast who really got slammed with the snow and winds. I was in the blizzard in 1978, and did not relish doing that again, but they say this one was worse for those who got hit badly. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Kwanza or however you celebrated this Holiday Season. And Happy New Year with many blessings for 2023.

Link up is open below. Thanks so much for all that have shared 2022 and prior years with me. I love seeing your visits.

This is the stare I got late the night of the storm when it was wind chill 20 below zero with 55 mph winds. But when you gotta go, you gotta go. He made it each night and day, but couldn't be long because his paws get cold and then can't walk so I carry him out and in. This week we will be in the 50's. Ridiculous weather. Ma Nature is so confused! lol


My Corner of The World


  1. Using eggs for decoration is a great idea. I am amazed you preserved them for these many years. They are older than me, I was born in 1978. Sad that your daughter and SIL got covid. Wishing them speedy recovery. Hope 2023 will be much better for all of us.

  2. Your decoration is wonderful and i like your eggs ! I wish you a happy end of the year...

  3. You did a great job with the tree eggs! How did you get the shape of the egg so precise? A happy New Year to you, Friend!

  4. My goodness those egg Christmas decorations are amazing and that they have lasted so many years. What a treasure. I have a few handmade Christmas decorations too. Enjoy the rest of your Christmas week and New Year is on its way. Thank you again for the llink up. stay safe.

  5. What lovely little decorations! It's so nice to have these memories.

  6. Such beautiful decorations. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful New Year.

  7. Pretty tree and pretty decorations. Cute pup too.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Happy New Year. ♥

  8. Wow! Amazing art work- that took time and patience not to mention creativity! Have a very Happy New Year!

  9. Those eggs are wonderful home-made creations, i'm glad you are still enjoying them after all this time. Thank you for participating in Feline Friday, i do hope you'll keep playing along with us. I'm not as cool as Ms. Sandee and i work full time so it takes me longer to comment, but i believe we'll still have fun!


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)