Friendly Fill-Ins Week 344

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. _____________________ is my focus word for 2023.
2. 2022 was ____________________.
3. _________ is the most important lesson I learned over the past year.
 4. I hope 2023 is the year that _________.
My answers:
1. Paint is my focus word for 2023. I am sure that sounds odd so let me explain. I want to get some ceilings and rooms in our house painted and I have wanted to for years- I will make sure it happens in 2023.
2. 2022 was one of the worst years of my life with losing my sister ,Drake and my heart cat, Sammy.
3. There is very little in life we have any control over so all we can do is accept it is the most important lesson I learned over the past year. Well, I already knew that, but I had many reminders of it this year
4. I hope 2023 is the year that everyone can find happiness, including all kitties.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday hosted by Comedy Plus and starting next week to be hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from December 2019, Angel Millie was enjoying his new catnip candy cane.

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  1. Oh, Ellen and family, you have had such a tough year losing your beloved sister and the troubles with Emmy and now covid…we send you good thoughts and hopes for a much better year with, yes, painted places you plan to brighten! We’d love the paint, too, but we would have to move out while it happens! I told mama NO NO NO. Love and hope from us for 2023 and BON SANTÉ, surtout (above all, as the French say).

  2. I know you had a bad year but the new year will be special for you – I just know. If our lives just went along in “happy” mode all the time we’d not be able to handle the things out of our control that happen to us. I guess I learned that a long time ago but I remind myself of it often. What’s important is to live our BEST life NOW. Sending you hope for a good 2023 AND lots of love.

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

  3. Those are very good answers to the fill ins. That is a sweet picture of Angel Millie.

  4. Cute pic of sweet Angle Millie. Good answers and it was a tough year for you. Hopefully 2023 will be a better year for all of us.

  5. The holidays make us think about our loved ones, past and present.
    It hurts, and yet we know that those who are watching us from Heaven won’t want us to be sad.
    It still doesn’t make the pain go away.
    Hugs and purrs.

  6. Love your fill-ins, Ellen. I’ve know you’ve had a trying year. I hope this coming year is filled with good health, happiness, prosperity and new paint in the rooms you want painted.

    Thank you for co-hosting the fun.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Happy New Year. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

  7. Ellen, your #3… those are wise words and I need to remember the truth of those words. When I remember to let go and accept what is, I do so much better. It’s just not always easy. I hope you, your Hubby and Grammie are feeling much better. Great picture of Angel Millie, he was/is a beautiful cat♥
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. FOCUS is my focus word for 2023. So many things going on in my head I stay distracted all the time. I am going to keep working on focus.
    2. 2022 was a bumpy ride.
    3. To trust my intuition is the most important lesson I learned over the past year.
    4. I hope 2023 is the year that is gentler, more kind in every way.

    1. Thank you. Somewhere I read the only thing we can control is how we feel about things so better to go with acceptance. Great answers, I used focus a past year, but I need to work on that more. I hope your #4 comes true. XO

  8. You have had a very sad time. XXXX I remember Angel Millie well by the way. And Angel Sammy…we never get over our Heart Cats leaving us.

  9. Thanks for all your posts thru this year! and Happy New Year! Here are my Fill-ins!
    1. Kindness is my focus word for 2023.
    2. 2022 was not the greatest year .
    3. Patience is the most important lesson I learned over the past year.
    4. I hope 2023 is the year that politicians begin to do the right thing- not just helping themselves. .

  10. Mee-yow ‘angel’ Millie was so ahnsum!!!
    Wee so sorry you losted yore Sistur an Drake cat an <3 cat Sammy!!!
    It was a ruff yeer fore you an no doubt about it.
    Wee wishess you an Mistur David an yore Meowmy an all yore furamillee (2 an 4 legged) a happy healthy Mew Yeer! Pleese Sky Cat let 2023 bee a bettur yeer!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  11. Hi Ellen I hope you are all feeling some better.
    Oh boy do I agree with your # 3. Sending healing wishes for good health to you all
    and hugs for your friendship.

  12. Precious and I wish you a happy new year. You will always have wonderful memories of those who have gone before. We appreciate your feelings and they are really good ones. I’ll accept painting the ceiling I think.

  13. TW’s word is Live. I know that will make sense to you. She wants me to live too.
    We know that your covid came from kids since they’re super spreaders. Livesey’s human next door has a kid in first grade and she’s had covid at least 3 times. This last time was the worst. Sending healing purrz. Thx for the fill-ins.


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