Friday, December 16, 2022

Today Is Friday December 16 2022, This Is What Happen


As part of my art insight, I ended up drawing a face. So I will link it to  DV FACE OFF. The hat looks like to me a Kromer hat. Hats are known about our role in society. There has been the time I call Kromer hat an Elmer Fudd hat.

I found an art meme called ART FOR FUN

Last Wednesday at art insight. We close our eyes and made some marks with a pen on the paper, with our eyes closed. Than drew something out of our marks

So I end up drawing a dinosaur sort of looks like brontosaurs. Or the Flintstones dog Dino. If I recall Dino was purple on the Flintstones. When I was young I like watching the Flintstones and now I think the charter Fred is nothing but a big bully.

Yesterday I mentioned paying our property tax. If we didn't get the circuit breaker. It is for those who are orphans, widows, or those over 65 years old. Income under $33,870. So if we didn't get a circuit breaker our property tax would be I would guess between $1,000 to $1,200 a year.

I took the day off from work, I'm little rough in the stomach. Every so often I need to take a detour to the bathroom.

Hubby was up part of the night.

I look up the other day the difference between romance and what I would call soap operas. Here is a list of what classifies as SOAP OPERA in a book. Not the old ones on T.V. I think a big difference would be the back story and the community.

On the other page, I did with my marks and end up with a tree, chicken, or dove. And of course a sewing pattern bodice.

Hubby and I have been watching KEATON PLUS. I would say he has some political leaning in his film. I know THE GENERAL is considered a racist film.

Maybe a little later on I will get some presents wrapped.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Peppy!

  2. I hope you feel better soon. I hate paying property taxes. We don't get circuit breakers as far as I know. And ours are so expensive since we don't have income nor sales taxes. Happy weekend.

  3. Seems like everyone has some sort of a bug right about now. I hope you feel better.

  4. Interesting approach to art. Learned something new.

  5. Your art insight group is producing some interesting results for you! I like the dinosaur and all of them really. I didn't know an Elmer Fudd hat was called a Kromer hat!

  6. Get well soon :) nice to see you experimenting with art and having some fun, I like the brontosaurus :)Betty

  7. I heard that Soap Operas were called so because they were afternoon television serials watched by housewives, so most of the advertising was aimed at household products such as laundry soaps and detergents, dishwashing liquids etc. The "opera" part is just because they were often long-running, for years at a time and quite dramatic like an opera is.

  8. I think your property tax is the same as what we call council rates, that is money paid to local government for street maintenance, rubbish collection etc.

  9. Just like what Andrew said, I am paying more than that for my council rates each year...

  10. Fun being with you! Wishing you lovely holidays friend

  11. Love your art! We once had to look at the model, close our eyes and draw like that. Boy. I didn´t keep it ;-) Taxes still not done (I am sick and cannot think).

  12. Even the normal property tax seems pretty gret to me.

  13. Your dinosaur came out quite well !

  14. I used to have a nice warm Elmer Fudd hat that I used in the winter on construction sites. My wife hated and I think threw it away.

  15. I hope you feel better.

  16. I hope you feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

  17. Hi, Dora! I hope you are feeling better. I really like brontosaurs, so I enjoyed your drawing. I've had a vision problem for about 18 months, and my eyes are finally improving. By the time spring comes I should finally be able to drive to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. As soon as I can, I'm going to visit all my favorite dinosaurs. Paying property taxes is no fun ~ glad it's behind you. Have lots of fun with your art!

  18. I hope by now you are feeling better. I paid my taxes today, so I know the pain. I put a little back each month so I can pay it at the end of the year. I like your dino.

  19. Hope you are feeling better ~ fun art ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative harbor)

  20. cool idea to use random dots for a drawing :)

  21. Hope you are feeling better. Cute dinosaur.

  22. I'm sorry I am late getting to comment. I hope you are feeling better by now. uhhggg property taxes. I really like the first drawing especially the hat. I do love the second one in the way that it came about. A great exercise in art and it's great. Have a very nice day.


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