
Finally my section of the hexagon quilt that I call Noriko’s Star is ready to add to the quilt.    This is the section I think I showed earlier in the week – the stitching is now done.


I laid it out on the design floor to make sure all was right before I did a color chart for this section of which I need to make 5 more of.  It is laying on the floor right now – not stitched to the body but checking placement – the space in between the star point (4 more to make) and this “point” will have a triangle shaped piece in it next – the area where the ruler is at.  I will need to make 12 of the triangle shape – I have not decided on color at this moment but they will be light in color and the black hexagons go all the way around to have the star shape stand out.  With going by the photo that I have it is done in about 3 or 4 light colors and I think that is what I will be going with.  Much more to go on this quilt as when all of this is done all the way around there is more to do.  I am linking to Sarah’s Confessions of a Fabric Addict and   Wendy’s Quilts and More


Here is a close up of the area.  Recently I was asked if I had the pattern to sell – no I have no pattern for this hexagon quilt.  I saw it on Pinterest and I am copying it.   I am making it in a different color scheme and not claiming the design as my own.  My version is slightly different here and there because the photo I am going by is not perfect.  If you wish to make a unique hexagon quilt I suggest you look at Pinterest.  There are many unique hexagon quilts there and you can do as I do – make you own by starting in the center (or do in rows if you wish) and just make it your own by using your colors, the size hexagons you wish to use and just do not say it is your pattern.  Acknowledge that someone else made it and you do not claim it as your design or write out a pattern saying it is yours and then sell it.


I finished the top row of the Rainbow Crossings quilt and the blocks are sewed in a row and sewed to the top of the quilt.  I put the blocks away that are for the sides.


Next I switched it up and put the bottom of the quilt to the top of the wall to work on it.  I had two left over green blocks to mix in on that side of the border.  For the blue side on the left I have two blocks to add – the right side I have no left over block for I might make a reddish color block in the crossed canoe pattern to mix in but I am not sure yet.


I am knitting a scarf and find my fingers and hand doesn’t hurt as they did when I was crocheting last month so for now it is knitting now and then for something different I find it relaxing – I was going to try to learn a cable pattern for it but I found I was becoming too frustrated with it and kept messing up – I would do about 5 rows and had to rip it out one too many times and I switched to easy – the whole point of this is to enjoy it not be frustrated with it.  I might try cables another time – knitting and crochet is not the first love so I might not meant to be an expert and do knitting that is more complicated.


Quilting on Butterflies in Flight from Wednesday night


And this area



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8 comments… add one
  • Marianne Kotch Dec 9, 2022 @ 5:10

    I started knitting a pair of socks yesterday – thin yarn on #2 needles, so they will take me forever. This summer I made my first pair on bigger needles and they are too uncomfortable to wear. So I’m hoping I can stick with these. After doing complicated projects, I am always happy to return to mindless knitting – scarves, mostly.
    Your Noriko’s Star is simply amazing!

  • Vicki in MN Dec 9, 2022 @ 6:32

    I am glad you got your internet back up! At least you could still keep on working on your projects anyway. Your knitting on the scarf looks so nice and even. I have been finishing up a pair of socks I started last winter, feels good to knit again.

  • Little Penpen Dec 9, 2022 @ 6:58

    I admire your courage to even had started Noriko’s Star. You definitely have discipline to keep at it. You are a busy bee!

  • Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts Dec 9, 2022 @ 7:37

    The new section of Noriko’s Star is looking good! I like the greens and blues together, with the purple flower in the center. I can knit a little and have been practicing some simple crochet, but totally get what you mean about it not being your first love. Same here! Looks like you’re making progress on Rainbow Crossings, too – that’s always a good feeling!

  • Michelle Dec 9, 2022 @ 9:04

    I love this new section of Noriko’s Star, Karen. Perfect! I see what you mean about randomizing the spare blocks in the border for Rainbow Crossings. I love this idea. Your knitting looks really nice. Crocheting has hurt my shoulder. I wonder if knitting would be better for that.

  • Andrée Dec 9, 2022 @ 15:26

    Hi Karen, I love your hexie quilt. I’m hoping to do as you did and sort of create my own pattern once I’ve finished my hexie blanket. Your Rainbow Crossings quilt is lovely.

  • Soma @ InkTorrents.com Dec 9, 2022 @ 17:04

    Noriko’s Star is looking gorgeous and I always enjoy seeing the closeups of your hand quilting. Knitting looks really wonderful. Wonderful colours.
    Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year!


  • Audrey Dec 9, 2022 @ 17:09

    Your Rainbow quilt is coming along so well now! I love the strippy look border areas. Such a fun look. And your hexagon quilt is amazing. I love how you find a quilt you like and set out to copy or transform it into your thing without taking ownership of the original quilt idea. I think that’s where the quilting world gets a little weird. So many shapes and blocks that have been used forever and then something acts like they re-invented the wheel because their own quilt looks so good in the new fabric etc.!

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