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I love the seasons of the year!

Correction: I love three seasons of the year. 

I'm not crazy about winter. 

So I'm rewinding a bit to share a few fall photos! THAT is my favorite season of the year!


  1. I love all these exotic treasures that Hawaii does not have! Thank you so much!

  2. Beautiful autumn images. I agree with you about winter, as we spent the past 18 years in Florida and do not like the cold and especially when it is windy. However, spring is my favorite because of the return of the birds and the new life all around me.

  3. Such beautiful fall colors!!
    Thank you for hosting!!

  4. Just gorgeous colours! Must really make you smile!

  5. This is why it's my favourite season, purely because of the colour.

  6. Spectacular, Sue!
    Happy Tuesday and thanks for hosting 💐

  7. That's me too Sue. I look forward to when I can set the clocks forward and the days get longer. Roll on Spring.

  8. Lovely autmn photos! I'm not a fan of wintertime, makes dayly life not easy only with a bicycle and a walking disability. Like snow only on pictures...

  9. This is the most beautiful and colourful season of the year. Have a wonderful week.

  10. A wonderful bunch of autumn pictures ! I like them all

  11. I'm not a winter fan either, but sometimes the snow is spectacular!
    Beautiful colors. I love these images, full of stories!
    Have a good start in Winter!

  12. You have some fabulous fall colors in your neighborhood.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  13. Great autumn foliage. Thank you for hosting.

  14. Such lovely photos of the Autumn foliage, Sue! We are like you -- we love the fall, but are not fans of "fell" (aka winter). :)

  15. We love four seasons and winter is our favorite. Right now we are enjoying some cold and a fresh load of snow. It isn't for everyone, but we love it. Would you like to trade our summer for your winter? We don't like summer around here :)

  16. What a pretty rewind. My favorite season is spring, once it gets going (not the wintry part of it!) Alana

  17. Stunning pictures! My favorite seasons are spring and autumn.

  18. Such beautiful pictures. Very sweet. Thanks for hosting.

  19. I`m deeply involved with Christmas preparations ... but now I`m here. Thank you for sharing this colourful captures.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. I have always enjoyed the changing seasons and it keeps the garden alive with always something new to look forward to. Your colorful views are amazing!


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