Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Wordless Wednesday - The (very old) Christmas Cactus.

 Last week I saw on a blog Rambling with AM a Christmas Cactus. She said if it has points it is not a true Christmas Cactus. Mine does but it has reached such a ripe old age I will let it off that one.

My in laws had a tenanted farm and when the father died (Ivor's grandfather) they had a year to give up the tenancy. This was in 1955 and my MIL brought her much loved Christmas cactus with her. When she died in 1987 we inherited it. From when she brought it with her would make it at least 67 years old, so I think it is safe to say it is over 70 years old.

Through the winter it lives in the porch as it doesn't like it too hot and really it is too big to go anywhere else. In the summer it lives out on the patio where unfortunately it has had a few accidents. Unexpected storms have blown it over and each time it has lost a sizeable chunk but it survives everything. The front part is mostly original growth but you can see new growth on the right hand side and at the back.

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


I was asked for a puzzle so here it is.


  1. I think it's doing well for that age heheh! and still looks pretty we allflop a little when older ha :-)

    Nice post have an oldtastic week 👍

  2. It's beautiful and what a lovely history it has. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  3. Holey moley, it's amazing to me that it has thrived for so long! My mom still has at least one houseplant that is over 40 years old, but 70 years or so is astonishing! You have quite the green thumb!

  4. That's beautiful and such a wonderful history.

  5. What a beautiful, and venerable, plant!

  6. Gramma gave Mom hers but the cat chewed on it all the time and eventually killed it. It is a real bummer. Yours is beautiful.

  7. That is gorgeous. So many blooms at once. XO

  8. I love this flower. I have two that now start to flourish. I do not know why is called a cactus,
    but I do not know these kind of stuffs. I just experience some things.
    Thank you for showing us your beauty!
    Happy WW and a fine December!

  9. What a beautiful Thanksgiving cactus. Congratulations on caring so well for such an old grande dame.

  10. Wow! It is gorgeous!
    It has an adventurous past, 😊 I could say, and it has held up very well.
    I also have a Christmas Cactus, but it is at least 40 years younger than yours and does not produce many flowers.

  11. Thank you, first off, for the shoutout to my blog. Yours is a magnificent Thanksgiving cactus. I know someone who inherited one, too. Hers I know is over 20 years old - I found online one that may date from the 1860's in Montana, but you should get a prize for yours, also. Congratulations!!! I'll post a link to the Montana article separately in case you don't want it on your blog.

  12. Feel free to delete this link to an article about a Thanksgiving cactus that may date from the 1860's. You are in good company! These old plants are all treasures. https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/145-year-old-christmas-cactus-passed-down-through-family/article_3a844e76-f639-59c8-83da-d5ec5789c0dd.html

  13. What a beautiful Cactus plant ~ Wow!

    my new Xmas cacti is blooming again now ~ just a baby compared to yours ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. That is incredible. I wouldn't be able to keep it alive from one Christmas to the next. I have no idea what having or not having points means, and who cares. It is beautiful. Hugs, Janet p.s. Would make a good puzzle.

  15. That is lovely, and what a fascinating history.

    Hugs and blessings, Jackie 💐

  16. Wow! What a gorgeous pot of Christmas cactus. It is full of blooms. Sighhhh...mine is struggling to survive.

  17. What a beautiful plant and we LOVE the history you have of it!

  18. Wow! This brings back memories of my maternal grandmother's patio windows full of violets.

  19. gorgeous! I too have a christmas cactus but it refuses to flower. :(

  20. that is very sweet. we think our cactus is old too.. we got it from a neighbor who moved to a seniors house......wish they could talk... what stories they would tell?

  21. Your cactus is so amazingly loaded with those big gorgeous pink blooms.Mine is blooming right now, too...but its not nearly as spectacular as yours!
    Ours is in an unheated bedroom, and I dare not bring it down to the living room...the change would make it dump all the blooms and remaining buds. So I enjoy it whenever I go into that room...(which hardly ever gets artificial light either...so the fussy plant enjoys its habitat, so I will le it stay there...)


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