Monday, November 21, 2022

Heavy vs Light Songs #MusicMovesMe

 It's Monday and you know what time it is:  time for Music Moves Me!

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   Our head hostess is Cathy from Curious as a Cathy,  and she is joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and (last but not least) me.

Why not join our music loving folks?  It's so easy. All you have to do is join the linky above with a music post that contains at least one music video (there must be a music video or your post will be subject to removal or labeling "No Music").That's all it takes!

Each month, except December, we have a guest host. For November our guest host is Sandee of Comedy Plus.   Let's welcome Sandee once again!

Today, let's do a little battle of Heavy vs. Light.  Yes, it's an eclectic list but I hope you enjoy it.

Heavy, a 1999 song from Collective Soul.

A cover of He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother, from the Hollies. 

 We are getting even heavier here, with Black Sabbath's classic from 1970, War Pigs.  This is a song that is heavy both in its music and in its lyrics.

So we need to lighten things up a little.  But I am going to consider "light" more like the opposite of dark. So first, The Beatles and "Here Comes the Sun".

The Rolling Stones and 1967's 2000 Light Years from Home.

And to wrap it up, a song from Collective Soul - Shine.

Thursday, in the United States, is Thanksgiving.  I want to once again thank my readers, both long time and recent, for your support and blogging friendship.  I am thankful for it each week.

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me, where the theme will be "Grateful".


  1. They are all quite catchy songs. Heard of them on radio. Nice and pleasant

  2. You're right! Eclectic but super fun.

  3. Music memories are always come back to me when I read these posts. War Pigs is a song that I will always lead me to think of our first family vacation to Florida. We heard this some going across the Skyway bridge in Tampa and I still see that sunset every time I hear it.

  4. I really like all of the songs here. Very nice.

  5. Alana,

    I like the direction you went with heavy vs light music picks. Way to go! It's always such fun to hear songs that otherwise would go undetected if it weren't for this wonderful weekly get together on the dance floor.

    May your heart and home be filled with the loving presence of those here and those who's memories you cherish. God bless you and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, my dear!

  6. I find I'm very much a 'light' music aficionado! He Ain't Heavy and Here Come the Sun are two of my all-time favourites! ;)

  7. The songs you list bring back some fond memories.

  8. Love them all, but my favorite is Here Comes the Sun.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  9. Great idea for a theme, and I like the songs you chose! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. All but the two heavy metal pieces brought back fine memories (espciallly the Hollies, because when it came out, I had just saved a life- a crazy driver (by definition he had to be crazy, he passed me like I was standing still and I was clocking 120... his car soared and twirled. I had to pull him out of the burning wreckage and cover him up with the emergency blanket that is always is my car. He survived.)

  11. We liked them all, heavy and light, and especially The Rolling Stones and Hollies💗Double Pawkisses from us especially for you🐾😽💞


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