October 25, 2022

Always Havta Wait

 Mommy thought she was headed over the Mountains this weekend- but she was wrong.  The friend who is going with her is in TX of all places till next Monday!  And Brovver said he will be more available Veteran's Day anyway as he won't be teaching.  So, Nov. 11 it is.  IF there is NO snow in the Mountains. OR here,  anywhere over the Moutains or there where he is. 

 No one will remember, but mommy had just got to that favorite brovvers house a few years ago...heard the evening news and weather after they all had dinner. The weather man showed big time snow coming into Charlotte that very evening,  and then, over the mountains to me, here!  So mom had to put her bag back into her vehicle, make a sandwich, and hurry back. She never even got to spend the night. It snowed like a sunnafagun there after she left...all the way over the mountains right behind her --and here where we live.  INCHES of it.  

 Then there was the awful time she was coming back from there in mid April and there was a heavy snow shower in the mountains. We all of us were blinded pretty much because of how heavy the snow was.  Mom said she remembers when she dropped to 10 mph she was so afraid someone would come smacking into her.  But the others were going slowly too. Thank goodness. That lasted 60 or so miles. 

My pink cats are not lighting after the first two nights.  The batteries are fresh...it is turned on.  Don't  know what happened.  Unless they don't like the cold. 

Getting ready to watch Mom clean the kitchen floor and then crawl around in the tub cleaning it too.  Glad I don't have to. OH! OH! MOm wanted you each to know she woke at 0220 in the night and immediately noticed I had both my arms wrapped around her upper arm.  She was wearing a short sleeved nightie.  She told me she thought how warm my headie and throat were, and my arms too.  She went right back to sleep.  Speaking of arms...here's mine. 


Kea said...

Katie, we actually do remember your mom making trips in unexpectedly bad weather, though we couldn't have said dates!

We're sorry her trip is delayed, but it sounds like it will be better timing in a couple of weeks. Paws crossed for dry roads and safe travels!

Brian's Home Blog said...

The Dad knows that there is nothing worse that trying to drive through snow in the mountains, yikes, it's scary! Here's to dry roads and warm temps!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Bad weather is such a bummer...it has thwarted or messed up many a travel plan for us too...and caused some road trouble such as slide offs and flat tires. Better to stay safe at home...warm and cozy. There is always the telephone and Zoom, etc...not as good as a real visit...but its what petcretary has been doing with our auntie.Who lives 320 miles from us. Orr pawppy's furmily lived 600 miles away...and it was always about a 1500 mile round trip at Christmastime time, to visit both families...shudder. we were a lot braver (and maybe recklesser) when we were so much younger...like 30 some years ago, LOL! (Battle Creek to Toronto, to DC, and back to Battle Creek, MI...)

Hope you will still be able to have a good visit when the new time arrives.

That was sweet of you, Katie to give your Mom a nice warm hug!

Lynn and Precious said...

Katie, you must have been holding on to mommy in the night so she would not leave over
the mountain. You know, Clementine, she'll be comin' 'round the mountain.
I paws to say maybe your mommy is a snow jinx or a snow lynx. Nov. 11 is a ways a way.Precious

catladymac said...

These times of year are the ones when the weather is uncertain for sure ! We send purrayerrs for your Mom to have a safe - and enjoyable-trip !

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom does NOT miss driving in snow. We'll bet your Mom was very happy when she woke up with you like that.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Cuddling with a warm kitty is the best! Wishing your mom a safe trip.

meowmeowmans said...

We remember when that happened to your mom, Katie! We hope no snow incidents like that happen when she makes her trip on November 11. XO

John Bellen said...

Adventures in travelling! There may be one relief in the postponement of the visit, in that your mum won't have to leave you with someone inexperienced...

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Have fun in the mountains. I hope you can see my house from there.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Katie Isabella,
For as long as you will live—keep your arms around your sweet Mom!
This Friday, it will be two years now since our Barty held his arms around my neck when he was sleeping beside me in his final two weeks of kitty hospice. Down in our Rose Suite where we spent our final precious weeks together...
People that don't have kitties never will know how special that is!
And oh my, cleaning is quite a task and I need to do lots of it—dust bunnies take over here.
Oh, those snow storms are dreadful. We once came back from Delaware to Georgia and through Virginia we were scared for getting crushed! Never forget that one truck that couldn't stop so he exited uphill—only for being able to slow down!
Always feels good for arriving with the car in one piece and passengers alive...

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

And good luck with the postponed trip—wish you could travel with her! 😼

Mickey's Musings said...

Purrs your mum will have a safe and snow free trip Nov 11 and there will be no snow along the way!!!!
Purrs, Julie

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh dear me Katie Isabella Mother Nature is the ruler of the weather and the rules are there are NO rules...Just hers
I'm sorry about your kitties.
Hugs Cecilia

pilch92 said...

I had no idea there was that much snow out there and so early in the year. We have to use lithium batteries in the sensor for our outdoor thermometer because they can handle the cold. XO

Kitties Blue said...

It seems awfully early for snow, but the weather has been topsy turbo this year. Usually just after fall comes, We have a blast of heat, but that didn’t happen this year. We hope your mom gets to take her trip; though, we are fairly certain you’d rather she stayed home with you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Weather can be pretty scary! We have been having incredibly mild weather so far this year. It's the first time ever #1 hasn't had to turn the heating at all by the end of October!

The Chans

Leah said...

Sorry the trip got postponed Katie, but it does sound like the later time will be better. Driving through snow is always scary, but especially so in the mountains, yikes!

Saku said...

You sure love your mom Katie. We're so happy that you two found each other...you're purrfect!

I'll have my paws crossed the snow doesn't come when your mom bean is on the road. We had snow here this week and mom bean had to stay home with me too instead of going to visit the sticky bean and his mom.

messymimi said...

It is hard to plan a trip when you don't know what the weather will be. Whatever it takes for everyone to stay safe, right?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was sweet of you to wrap your arms around your mom's arm. I hope the weather is good for the November 11th trip.