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A Sewing Work in Progress

Here’s one of my work-in-progress projects, a wall hanging I had planned to enter into this weekend’s county fair. When I got to this point, I didn’t feel like rushing the details. There’s no need for me to do a slap happy job simply to make the deadline. Nor to work into the wee hours like this was an essential job. Nope. After all, I can always submit the wall hanging next year, should it tickle my fancy. Tickle, tickle.

I love how the volcano turned out. The green velvet fabric is actually a sleeve from a top I wore in my single days and the red zipper is from a dress Mama sewed for me when I was a kid. 

That blue ziggy line shiny material is part of  Mama’s blouse circa the late 60s/early 70s. The plaid heart came from one of Mama’s sleeveless  blouses. Mama was one styling chick!

Sharing today’s creativity with Ms. Gillena’s Art for Fun Friday at Lunch Break.


  1. Wow this is gorgeous.
    Have a good weekend Su-sieee
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  2. You're so right. Why rush the details for a make believe deadline? It's supposed to be fun. It looks like you're having fun with it.

  3. Such a beautiful and creative wall hanging ~ Wow! ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Hi Su-siee,
    A lovely wall hanging. Nice idea to use pieces clothing that mean a lot too.
    Happy weekend...

    1. Thanks, Dixie! I appreciate Mama’s taste in prints more today than I ever did when she wore them. Maybe it’s also because I’m old niw. lol

  5. Su-sieemac - a lovely creation, and admire your willingness to take your time - impressive! I would struggle to do the same.

    1. Thanks, Angie. I went back and forth about submitting it as is. I might find out later that this is done, which will be okay.

  6. Love that! The red zipper and the flowers letting loose especially.


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