Thursday, March 20, 2025

FFO CKD History Art


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of the
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
Hi Everyone! 
Before I get into FFO. I want to respond to a comment I got from Monica and thank  her for the information about the potassium. I am trying to reduce that in Mr. M's. diet due to CKD in the one kidney he has left. 
Monica wrote,
"This is what one place says about it "Potassium is an essential electrolyte that is important for several processes in the body. Its main function is to regulate signals from the brain and spine to the muscles and contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles." Seems important to me!"
This is all true with a person who has 2 healthy kidneys. With CKD the kidney has trouble eliminating the excess potassium causing hyperkamemia, which can cause serious heart problems, heart attract and even death. So reducing potassium is just one of my goals to keep Mr. M. stable. 
Now for FFO
These are some faces I would like to draw. I haven't had my pencils out in months but am feeling like drawing.
This is an interesting face. I like the glasses too.
I love this woman, cigarette and pearls.

I found a wonderful site that shows interesting historic photos. Here are a few of them.

Rural One-Room School House In Florida, 1870s

 A Female Firefighting Team On A Converted Motorcycle In London, 1932

 Two Sisters, Florence And Susie Friermuth Arrested For Moonshining During The Prohibition, 1921


Portrait Of Two Girls Washing Clothes In The Street Of London, 1900's

 Christmas Dinner, 1936. Dinner Consisted Of Potatoes, Cabbage And Pie


 Portrait Of Unidentified Beautiful Family, Around 1875

 A Stylish Family Outing, 1946

 Women On Motorcycles In Great Britain, 1930s

 An Immigrant Family Arriving At Ellis Island In 1904

 I couldn't pass up these 2 dapper gentlemen from the early 1900's
 Now lets see some features.
Don't forget to link up with Gillena

That's it for me now it's time to 
show me your face.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Part 2 CKD foods

 Hi Everyone!

Today I'm going to show you something that I have done a lot of research on and believe it to be true. Maybe, it is something some of you already know about but for me it's new and a life saver for Mr. M's Kidney.

It is a soaking method to remove phosphorus and potassium. In most of the sites I have checked, they do agree that Cooking in water, pressure cooking and cooking in a microwave oven reduced potassium levels. All food groups were tested and both Phoss and Potas were reduced. However, on the site 20 different foods were tested by taking deionized water 5 to 1 ratio.( I have a water filter system that does deionize the water, however, you can used distilled water. You want water that has no minerals.) The results to the soaking method showed  foods resulted in a reduction in potassium and phosphorus. Potassium reduction in beef, green leafy vegetables, and grains was 40-49%; in chicken, fish, and nonleafy vegetables 30-39%; and tubers 10-20%. Phosphorus reduction in grains and beans was 30-39%; in nonleafy vegetables 20-29%; and beef, chicken, and fish 10-20%.  
This is significant for CKD.
Of course, I can't measure the amount of Phoss or Potas after soaking the food. It is quite a process I do know that it is much less and I write this down in the food journal. How is it measured in the lab? The potassium content was determined by flame photometry. The phosphorus content was determined by visible ultraviolet spectrophotometry,below.

flame photometry below.

 I've made several meals using the soaking method. The best was sweet potatoes. Then I roasted them. Potatoes have to be soaked several time due to the high potassium content.

Get the water boiling.

 Turn off the heat once the water is boiling. Be sure to rinse after the 10 minutes.

 Let the sweet potatoes soak for 10 minutes then repeat. Dry them off and roast in the oven.

 Today I did pearl barley for a soup.

 I didn't have quite a cup of pearl barley but it's enough.

Boil the water and remove from the heat. Then add the P. B. and let is sit for 10 minutes.

 Rinse it with cold water thoroughly.



Pearl Barley doesn't take long to cook and this process make the cooking time even less so add it to soups or stews at the last few minutes.

I hope this info helps.
