Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from June 2012 and is called:

Feed Us!

Mum: Are you hungry boys? 
Us: Of course we are, what a silly question.
  Mum: What do you want? 
Us: For cod's sake we want food, what do you think!

Mum: Here we are then, it's ready. 
Us: Well stop babbling on then and feed us!

Flynn: This is what happens if mum takes too long, I collapse from hunger.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Sunshine at 50%, then added Emboss also at 50%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 1.10.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those poor hungry boys MOL! Very pretty art!

  2. Cat time and human time do not always match up, Angel Kitties!
    I'm off to jigsaws!

  3. Oh, this is hilarious! Flynn, I hope your brother didn't sneak and eat your meal while you were collapsed! Love Mom's catwork. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  4. Hope there was'nt to much
    collapsing back then...! :).

  5. Haha! We loved this, it's exactly what happens when the humans take too long getting our food. :-D

  6. You made me chuckle. I know that conversation took place many times. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  7. Made me laugh too don't you just love dominant felines lol (=⚈ᆽ⚈=)(=⚈ᆽ⚈=)

    Nice art version too 👍

    Have a stricttastic weekend 👍

  8. Looks more like Flynn collapsed from overeating!

  9. The boys were so cute. Sophie does that pose that Flynn was in. I guess I know now it's from hunger.

  10. Oh these pictures were such fun to see !

  11. Poor Flynn passed out from hunger is just too cute. Great flashback. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  12. Ha! That first picture: there was nothing in the world for them at that moment except dinner! I'm sure cats think we dawdle with their food on purpose, simply to tease them. Well, maybe just once in a while.

  13. We love this memory so much. That dramatic pose by Flynn mad us smile. :)

  14. We know how they felt. When we are hungry, we look up at TBT and meow. Well, actually Laz cries, but he is fussy an its his fault that he is hungry. And Marley sits an stares up at the place on the kitchen counter where TBT keeps our bowls and fills them from a few cans he brings out each morning. Lori stands on her back feet and taps TBTs leg.

    Come to think of it, I'm the only normal one. I wait for him to bring food to ME! ~ AYLA

  15. Oh, those poor boys! Having to wait so long for their meal (mol). Poor Flynn! We hope his fainting fit didn't last to long and that the smell of food quickly revived him>

    We love the art.

  16. "For Cod's sake feed us!!" LMAO!!! and "stop babbling" MOL MOL MOL!! It is so cool how the boys color fur matched your kitchen floor! xoxo

  17. Oh how I love love love these photos. They look like they're really ready for those dishes to hit the floor! They look so cute together.

    Hugs, Pam

  18. Of my gosh, I love these photos...wish I only had two staring at me at mealtime. Thanks for the puzzle. Love the belly up photo the best, of course.

  19. I LOVED this Boys! And you depicted the whole process including the collapse, perfectly!

  20. MOL...I think you behaved very nicely, sweet Angels, we do that sometimes too, but mostly we jump into the food...MOL...Thanks for being such a good example for us😸Loved this postie😻Double Pawkisses for you all🐾😽💞


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