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Another Ramble

(1) Let’s see, today, for our main meal the Husband and I ate a melange of five left over dishes from the last two days, or three. Or, four. Garbanzo butternut soup, couscous with chimichurri sauce, sauteed onion and squash, ground turkey burgers, and roasted red and green peppers. The flavors blended quite well together, surprisingly and with great relief. We ate our portions all up. No leftovers, hurrah!

(2) To go along with our meal I concocted an ooh-la-la drink. Passion fruit juice with a jigger of rum. Ooh la la!

(3) The Husband and I toasted to the last day of our 25th year of marriage. Tomorrow: Hello 26th!  Clink, clink. 

(4) Maybe next year we will be dancing with our friends and family to celebrate our 27th anniversary. I also would like us to throw a party for the septuagenarians among us. We shall see.

(5) The last two weeks I’ve been working on my entries for the county fair. That’s some of the craft entries in the photo above. 

(6) Yep, that’s a juicer. Good friend L. bought it for 50 cents at a garage sale. It didn’t work so she gave it to me to turn into garden art. Right away I saw a robot a la Rosie, the Jetson family’s robotic maid.  Voilà!  

(7) It was fun painting on plastic.  I got a lot of different effects by dabbing the paint this way or that way, and the results reminded me of how the undersea world looked while snorkeling once upon a time. A happy place that I like to remember when I need to zen out.

(8) I committed myself to submit 16 entries,  four for the flower department, one for textiles, one for fine arts, and the rest for crafts. Crazy, yeah. 

(9) I used to climb mountains to get the same feeling of accomplishment and zen that I’ve had working on this stuff the past few weeks. I mean look at this duct tape hat.  Crazy! 

(10) Except for a wall hanging, I’ve finished the entries due on Sunday. I’m okey-dokey if I don’t finish the  textile piece. No reason to stress.

(11) We had a sweaty-palm scare this week. The Husband couldn’t figure out why his shoulder was so very painful. The next evening he noticed his upper arm was all deep blue. He showed me his arm several hours later when we were getting ready to go to dreamland. Fortunately we were scheduled for Covid booster shots in the morning at our doctor’s office. 

(12) Long story short, the doctor said nothing to worry about and then told us a story about a man who had horrible bruises. When asked what happened, the man said he fought a lion. “If you think I look bad, you should see the lion.” The doctor could barely get the punchline out, he was laughing so much. So were we.

(13) Healing takes time. Let it be. Think of being in our happy places. Breathe.  

Hello, Thursday 13 and Art for Fun Friday.


  1. Happy anniversary. Your projects for the fair look good. I do love having leftovers. It means I don't have to cook :)

    1. Thanks, Liz! I’ve begun freezing leftovers. Whatever took me so long? lol

  2. Admire your artistic energy. Happy Anniversary to you and yours.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


    1. Thank you, Gillena. I appreciate your kind words.

  3. Your house looks like ours used to when the grandsons came over, everything was used for our creative projects and for thinking outside the box. I curious why your hubby's arm was blue.

    1. In that light, I am my own grandchild. :-) He injured his shoulder/upper arm while we were pulling and hauling heavy pots last week, so we think. His pain tolerance is so high, he waits longer than I would to complain.

  4. Happy anniversary! I hope you had a great one! I love having leftovers for dinner.

    1. Thanks, Colleen! We have anniversary leftovers for today, haha.

  5. Oh wow! Happy Anniversary ~ and what a healthy meal of leftovers ~ delish and love all you creative art work ~ Xo

    Wishing good health, laughter and love in your days,,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Nice crafts for the fair! Happy 26th!

  7. The meal of leftovers sounded delish! And the passion fruit and rum! All of your entries are marvelous. I especially like the duct tape hat!

  8. Happy anniversary!!!!!! And it sounds like all is well and interesting too. Especially that oo-la-la drink with those leftovers. Have fun making all your art for the fair. And happy weekend too. hugs-Erika


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